Coding | Mcqs | Multiple choice questions | Informative | Computer Science | Engineering | Aptitude | Quants | Verbal


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1.Which of the following UML diagrams represent the structural View of the software?

Class diagram

Object diagram

Both a. and b.

None of the above

2.Which of the following is not a UML diagram?

Class diagram

Object Diagram

Interface diagram

Use case model

3.Which of the following views represents the interaction of the user with the software but tells nothing about the internal working of the software?

Use case diagram

Activity diagram

Class diagram

All of the above

4.Which diagram in UML shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a specific time?

Sequence Diagram

Collaboration Diagram

Class Diagram

Object Diagram

5.Interaction Diagram is a combined term for

Sequence Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

Activity Diagram + State Chart Diagram

Deployment Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

None of the mentioned

6.Which of the following diagram is time oriented?




None of the mentioned

7.Choose the incorrect statement in terms of Objects.

Objects are abstractions of real-world

Objects can’t manage themselves

Objects encapsulate state and representation information

All of the mentioned

8.Which of the following describes”Is-a-Relationship” ?




All of the mentioned

9.A design description in OOD includes

Protocol Description

Implementation Description

Type Description

both Protocol and Implementation Description

10..Structure diagrams emphasize the things that must be present in the system being modeled.



Can't say

None of the above

11.How many diagrams are here in Unified Modelling Language?





12.Which of the following is not needed to develop a system design from concept to detailed object-oriented design?

Designing system architecture

Developing design models

Specifying interfaces

Developing a debugging system

13.A Class consists of which of these abstractions?

Set of the objects



All of the mentioned

14.An operation can be described as?

Object behavior

 Class behavior


Object & Class behavior

15.What among the following statement is true?

Associations may also correspond to the relation between instances of three or more classes

Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association name

All of the mentioned

None of the mentioned

16.UML stands for

Unified Machine Level

Unique Machine Language

Unique Modeling Level

Unified Modeling Language

17.Which message Proceeds immediately without waiting for response?



Both a. and b.


18.Which among these are the rules to be considered to form Class diagrams?

Class symbols must have at least a name compartment

Compartment can be in random order

Attributes and operations can be listed at any suitable place

None of the above

19.Operations are used in a 

Package diagram

Class diagram

Activity diagram

Use case diagram

20.In activity diagram, the diamond shapes represents

join node

decision point

fork node

An operation

21Which of the following is a valid Use Case?

Room Number


Reserve Room

Booking System

22.Which is the longest phase of the Unified Process?





23.Implementation diagram includes

Class and Deployment

Component and Deployment

Component and State chart

Activity and Usecase

24.What is a purpose of a Use Case diagram?

Functional decomposition

Identification of functional requirements

To define sequences of actions

To identify multiplicities

25.The vertical dimension of a sequence diagram shows





26.POS stands for

Point of Service

Point of Sales

Point of System

Point of state

27.Which is an abstraction of a set of functions that the system performs



Use case


28.Which of these compartments divided in class?




All the above

29.Filled Diamond arrow is used to denote





30.Which one of the following is true about associations?

May exist only between actors and use cases

Identify the flow of data between actors and use cases

Identify interactions between actors and use cases

Identify dependencies between actors and use cases

31.Noun phrase approach are used to identify 





32.Aggregation is ______________

composed of relationship

set of relationship

part of relationship

all the above

33.Domain model can be illustrated using which diagram?

Activity diagram

Component diagram

Class diagram

Deployment diagram

34.A class is divided into which of these compartments? 

Attribute Compartment 

Operation compartment

Name compartment

all the above

35.A Class consists of which of these abstractions?

Set of the objects



all the above

36.An attribute is a data item held by which of the following?




Both a) and b)

None of the above

37.What should be mentioned as attributes for conceptual modelling?

Initial Values


Both a) and b)

None of the above

38.Which of these are part of the class operation specification format?


parameter list

return-type list

all of the mentioned

39.Which among the following statement is true?

Associations may also correspond to the relation between instances of three or more classes

Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association name

Both a) and b)

None of the above

40.What is multiplicity for an association?

The multiplicity at the target class end of an association is the number of instances that can be associated with a single instance of source class

The multiplicity at the target class end of an association is the number of instances that can be associated with a number instance of source class

All of the mentioned

None of the mentioned

41.Which of these are the heuristics?

Name classes, attributes, and roles with noun phrases

Name operations and associations with verb phrases

All of the mentioned

None of the above

42.What does conceptual modelling represent?



Important relationships between them

All of the mentioned

43.What are the sequence of steps for conceptual process?

Add Classes

Add Attributes

Add Association

All of the mentioned

44.Which of the following statements is false?

Add use cases to the list at any point of time

Reviews can be done on noun phrases designating characteristics of other entities

Use case represent interactions which are result of collaborative activity

All of the mentioned

45.Which of these should follow a review to the list?

Noun or Noun phrases designating characteristics of other entities in the list

Noun phrases referring to the activities or behaviors

Entities that are same with different names

All of the mentioned

46.Which of the following guidelines helps with adding attributes?

Adjectives and modifiers sometimes give clues about class attributes

Attribute names should not be taken from problem domain

Attribute should be added for object identification

All of the mentioned

47.Which of the following statement is true?

Adding Multiplicities is the last step in conceptual modelling

Adding Multiplicities is the easiest step

All of the mentioned

None of the mentioned

48.Which of the following is/are the strategies to find conceptual class?

Reuse or modify existing class

Noun phrase approach

Use of Category list

All the above

49.Which of the following is not a domain model guideline?

Think like a mapmaker

Maintain domain model in a tool

Linguistic analysis

Model with description class

50.Optional information of role among the concepts in domain model has

Multiplicity expression



All the above

51.Which of the following is represented by line in domain model?





52.UML format for attributes in domain model is

visibility name:type multiplicity=default[property string]

type : visibility name multiplicity=default[property string]

visibility name:type [property string] = default multiplicity[property string]

None of the above

53.Exploring association using categorization approach. What is the best example for the category “A” is an organizational submit of “B”

Item – Sale

Sale -  Register

Customer -  Payment

Department – Store

54.In domain model, If A is a line item of transaction B (eg: SalesLineItem-Sales). It is the categorization approach to find which one of the following?





55.The total number of conceptual classes in domain model are 50. How many possible associations can be drawn among these conceptual classes?





56.Which of the following is the easiest approach to find conceptual class?

Modify existing class

Noun phrase approach

Use of Category list

All the above

57.The item that pick for processing is

Sale Item

Line Item

Product Item

None of above

58.Domain model represents _________




All the above

59.Domain model also called ______________

Domain diagram

Object Model

Business model

Conceptual model

60.Domain model doesn’t work



Both a) and b)

None of these

61.What is the Interaction diagram?

Interaction diagrams are the UML notations for dynamic modeling of collaborations

Interaction diagrams are a central focus of engineering design

All of the mentioned

None of the mentioned

62.What are the different interaction diagram notations does UML have?

A sequence diagram

A communication diagram

An interaction overview diagram

An interaction overview diagram

All of the mentioned

63 What is a sequence diagram?

  1. A diagram that shows interacting individuals along the top of the diagram and messages passed among them arranged in temporal order down the page

  2. A diagram that shows messages superimposed on a diagram depicting collaborating individuals and the links among them

  3. A diagram that shows the change of an individual’s state over time

  4. All of the mentioned

64 Which of the following is true about Sequence frames?

  1. A sequence diagram has a frame consisting of a rectangle with a pentagon in its upper left-hand corner

  2. The pentagon is its name compartment; the interaction is represented inside the rectangle

  3. The string in the name compartment has the form sd interaction Identifier where interaction Identifier is either a simple name or an operation specification with the same format as in a class diagram

  4. All of the mentioned

65 What are the heuristics which the sequencing diagram follows?

  1. Put pairs of lifelines that interact heavily next to one another

  2. Position lifelines to make message arrows as short as possible

  3. Position lifelines to make message arrows go from left to right

  4. All of the mentioned

66 What are the three different types of message arrows?

  1. Synchronous, asynchronous, asynchronous with instance creation

  2. Self, Multiplied, instance generator

  3. Synchronous, Asynchronous, synchronous with instance creation

  4. None of the mentioned

67 When is the operation executing, suspended and active?

  1. An operation is executing when some process is actually running its code  

  2. An operation is suspended when it sends a synchronous message and it is waiting for the message to return

  3. An operation is active when it is either executing or suspended

  4. All of the mentioned

68 A ________  is a behavior that specifies the sequence of states an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events.

  1. class

  2. state machine 

  3. use case

  4. activity 

69 A ________  is a relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first s will enter the second state.

  1. transition

  2. state

  3. association

  4. generalization

70 A sequential state machine may have ________

  1. at most one initial state and one final state n

  2. completion transitions

  3. at most one initial state more than one final state

  4. more than one initial state and at most one final state 

71 State that is active after the completion of the transition is called ________

  1. source state

  2. target state

  3. history state

  4. final state

72 State chart Diagrams are needed ________  

  1. when a class has complex life cycle

  2. when the execution of scenario is to be traced

  3. to allocate classes and objects to modules  

  4. to allocate processes to processors

73 Which of the statements state the name compartment?

  1. The first compartment is the name compartment, It contains the state name; State names are optional and may be path names

  2. The first compartment is the name compartment

  3.  It contains the state name; State names are optional and may be path name

  4. The name compartment can never be omitted 1

74 What is a Synch state?

  1. It is a counter that keeps track of transitions

  2. They are represented in state diagrams by Synch state symbols, which are small circles containing either a positive integer or an asterisk, indicating the counter’s upper bound  

  3. All of the mentioned

  4. None of the mentioned

75 What is the Transition junction point?

  1. The transitions from different sources can converge to a point and transitions leaving the point symbol may disperse to different targets

  2. They are several transition arrows connected using point symbols

  3. All of the mentioned

  4. None of the mentioned

76 ________   are handled without causing a change in state.

  1. Transition

  2. Events

  3. Signals

  4. States

77 Inside the states, the events are encountered to handle without leaving the state. This is known as________

  1. state machine

  2. state transition

  3. internal transition

  4. external transition

78 Which of the following is used to model the life time of an object?

  1. Use Case

  2. Class

  3. State machine

  4. Interface

79 A ________   is a condition during the life of an object during which it satisfies performs some activity or waits for some event.

  1. class

  2. state

  3. actor

  4. component

80 Interaction diagrams are of ________ types.

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

81 In interactions, ________ specifies a path to send and receive messages between two

  1. link

  2. node

  3. sequence

  4. instance

82 A set of messages exchanged among a set of objects is called as  ________

  1. Use Case

  2. Activity

  3. Interaction

  4. Deployment

83 Which of the following diagrams is used to model business workflows?

  1. Deployment diagram

  2. Activity diagram

  3. Interaction diagram

  4. Useccase diagram

84 In an Activity Diagram, transitions belongs to ________

  1. trigger oriented transitions

  2. self transitions

  3. internal transitions

  4. completion transitions

85 which of the following is NOT present in an Activity Diagram?

  1. Action states

  2. Objects

  3. Events

  4. Notes

86 Objects placed in an Activity Diagram are connected to the activity or transition using  ________  relationship.

  1. Association

  2. generalization 

  3. dependency 

  4. realization

87 In an Activity Diagram, organizing the activities into groups is called ________

  1. forking 

  2. joining

  3. swimlane 

  4. synchronization

88 ________   is used to represent concurrent flows in an Activity Diagram.

  1. Slide bar

  2. Synchronization bar

  3. Swim lane

  4. Branch

89 ________  is a path from one activity state to the next activity state.

  1. Action state

  2. Activity state

  3. Transition

  4. Fork

90 Which among the following are not the valid notations for package and component diagram?

  1. Notes Box

  2. Extension 

  3. mechanisms

  4. Packages

91 Which of the following is a design pattern?

  1. Behavioral

  2. Structural

  3. Abstract Factory

  4. All of the mentioned

92 The recurring aspects of designs are called 

  1. design patterns

  2. documents

  3. structures

  4. methods

93 Which pattern prevents one from creating more than one instance of a variable?

  1. Factory Method

  2. Singleton

  3. Observer

  4. None of the mentioned

94 Which design pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects?

  1. Singleton pattern

  2. Facade Pattern

  3. Observer pattern

  4. Factory method pattern

95 In factory method pattern, the framework must instantiate classes but it only knows about the abstract classes, which it cannot initiate. How would one solve this problem?

  1. encapsulating the knowledge of which document subclass to is to be created and

  2. moving this knowledge out of the framework i

  3. nstantiating the application specific documents without knowing their class  

  4. all of the mentioned

96 Can we create a clone of a singleton object?

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

  3. Can't say

  4. None of the above

97 Which of the following pattern refers to creating duplicate object while keeping performance in mind?

  1. Builder Pattern

  2. Bridge Pattern

  3. Prototype Pattern

  4. Filter Pattern

98 Which of the following describes the Singleton pattern correctly?

  1. This pattern creates object without exposing the creation logic to the client and refer to newly created object using a common interface.

  2. In this pattern an interface is responsible for creating a factory of related objects without explicitly specifying their classes.

  3. This pattern involves a single class which is responsible to create an object while making sure that only single object gets created.

  4. This pattern is used when we want to pass data with multiple attributes in one shot from client to server.

99 Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. It provides a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.

  1. Chain of responsibility

  2. Adapter

  3. Decorator

  4. Composite

100 Define one to many dependency between objects so that when one object change state, all its dependent are notified and updated automatically.

  1. Chain of responsibility

  2. Adapter

  3. Decorator

  4. Observer

101 Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. It lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

  1. Template method

  2. Decorator

  3. Strategy

  4. Visitor

102 Encapsulate a request as an object, there by letting you parametrize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operation.

  1. Adapter

  2. Command

  3. Decorator

  4. Composite

103 Which GRASP pattern helps to find out answer for “Who should be responsible for creating a new instance of some class?”?

  1. Adapter

  2. Protected Vairation

  3. Creator

  4. Fabircation

104 It Defines an interface for creating an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate.It lets the instantiation differ to subclasses.

  1. Builder

  2. Abstract Factory

  3. Factory Method

  4. Prototype

105 Which of the following describes the Template pattern correctly?

  1.  In this pattern, a class behavior changes based on its state.

  2. In this pattern, a null object replaces check of NULL object instance.

  3. In this pattern, a class behavior or its algorithm can be changed at run time.

  4. In this pattern, an abstract class exposes defined way(s)/template(s) to execute its methods.

106 Which mechanism is applied to use a design pattern in an OO system?

  1. Inheritance

  2. Composition

  3. All of the mentioned

  4. None of the mentioned

107 The use of design patterns for the development of object-oriented software has important implications for

  1. Component-based software engineering

  2. Reusability in general

  3. All of the mentioned

  4. None of the mentioned

108 You want to minimize development cost by reusing methods? Which design pattern would you choose?

  1. Adapter Pattern

  2. Singleton Pattern

  3. Delegation pattern

  4. Immutable Pattern

109 In which of the following pattern an interface is responsible for creating a factory of related objects without explicitly specifying their classes?

  1. Factory Pattern

  2. Abstract Factory Pattern

  3. Singleton Pattern

  4. Transfer Object Pattern

110 Facade pattern promotes weak coupling between subsystem and its clients.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

  3. Can't say

  4. None of the above

111 In factory method pattern, the framework must instantiate classes but it only knows about the abstract classes, which it cannot initiate. How would one solve this problem?

  1. encapsulating the knowledge of which document subclass to is to be created and

  2. moving this knowledge out of the framework

  3. instantiating the application specific documents without knowing their class

  4. all of the mentioned

112 Which of the following is correct list of classifications of design patterns.

  1. Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns.

  2. Executional, Structural and Behavioral patterns.

  3. Creational, Executional and Behavioral patterns.

  4. None of the above.

113 Which of the following pattern is used when creation of object directly is costly?

  1. Bridge Pattern

  2. Adapter Pattern

  3. Prototype Pattern  

  4. Filter Pattern

114 In which of the following pattern a class represents functionality of another class?

  1. Proxy Pattern

  2. Chain of Responsibility Pattern

  3. Command Pattern

  4. Interpreter Pattern

115 In MVC pattern, View represents the visualization of the data that model contains.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

  3. Can't say

  4. None of the above

116 The term "Delegation" is most closer to which of the following 

  1. GRASP patterns

  2. Expert Creator

  3. Low Cohesion

  4. Controller

117 An instructor wants to schedule an exam for which he/she wants that a notification is sent to all the registered students automatically. Which design pattern is most suitable for him.

  1. Composite

  2. Observer 

  3. Decorator

  4. Iterator

118 Which design pattern you would you use to control the creation of an object based on a established interface, while allowing the concrete implementation to determine the subclass to construct.

  1. Singleton

  2. Composite

  3. Decorator

  4. Factory method pattern

119 A pattern that is intended to provide a means to define a family of algorithms and encapsulate each one as an object for interchangeable use:

  1. Strategy pattern

  2. Facade Pattern

  3. Observer pattern

  4. Adapter pattern

120 Which GRASP pattern is suitbale to handle alternatives based on type?

  1. Indirection

  2. Pure Fabrication

  3. Polymorphism

  4. Creator

121 Which of the following is not a SQA plan for a project?  

  1. evaluations to be performed

  2. amount of technical work

  3. audits and reviews to be performed

  4. documents to be produced by the SQA group

122 Which of the following is not included in External failure costs?

  1. testing

  2. help line support

  3. warranty work

  4. complaint resolution

123 Which of the following is not an appraisal cost in SQA?

  1. inter-process inspection

  2. maintenance

  3. quality planning

  4. testing

124     Who identifies, documents, and verifies that corrections have been made to the software?

1.       Project manager

2.       Project team 

3.       SQA group      

4.       All of the mentioned 


125     The primary objective of formal technical reviews is to find _________ during the process so that they do not become defects after release of the software.

1.       errors

2.       equivalent faults         

3.       failure cause 

4.       none of the mentioned


126     Quality Management in software engineering is also known as

1.       SQA  

2.       SQM 

3.       SQI    

4.       SQA and SQM


127     Quality also can be looked at in terms of user satisfaction which includes

1.   A compliant product  

2.   Good quality output  

3.   Delivery within budget and schedule  

4.  All of the mentioned 


128     What kind of quality cost is incurred when an error is detected in a product prior to shipment?

1.       Prevention    

2.       Internal Failure 

3.       External Failure

4.       Appraisal        


129     The degree to which the design specifications are followed during manufacturing is known as  

1.       Quality of design         

2.       Quality of conformance

3.       Quality of testing        

4.       None of the mentioned


130     Alpha testing is done at

1.       Developer‟s end         

2.       User‟s end     

3.       Developer‟s & User‟s end       

4.       None of the mentioned


131     Boundary value analysis belong to?     

1.       White Box Testing       

2.       Black Box Testing        

3.       White Box & Black Box Testing  

4.       None of the mentioned


132     What are the various Testing Levels?  

1.       Unit Testing   

2.       System Testing 

3.       Integration Testing     

4.       All of the mentioned 


133     Which of the following is/are White box technique?    

1.       Statement Testing      

2.       Decision Testing          

3.       Condition Coverage   

4.       All of the mentioned 


134     White Box techniques are also classified as      

1.       Design based testing  

2.       Structural testing        

3.       Error guessing technique         

4.       None of the mentioned


135     Which of the following term describes testing?  

1.       Finding broken code  

2.       Evaluating deliverable to find errors   

3.       A stage of all projects

4.       None of the mentioned


136     Acceptance testing is also known as    

1.       Grey box testing          

2.       White box testing       

3.       Alpha Testing

4.       Beta testing   


137     Which of the following is non-functional testing?          

1.       Black box testing         

2.       Performance testing  

3.       Unit testing   

4.       None of the mentioned


138     Unit testing is done by  

1.       Users

2.       Developers    

3.       Customers     

4.       None of the mentioned


139     Which testing is an integration testing approach that is commonly used when “shrink-wrapped” software products are being developed?

1.       Regression Testing     

2.       Integration testing      

3.       Smoke testing  

4.       Validation testing        


140     What is the main purpose of integration testing?          

1.       Design errors

2.       Procedure errors         

3.       Interface errors

4.       None of the above      


141     When the Testing Principles are useful while building the Software Product?   

1.       During testing

2.       During execution        

3.       During review

4.       Throughout life-cycle


142     When different combination of input requires different combination of actions,Which of the following technique is used in such situation?    

1.       Boundary Value Analysis          

2.       Equivalence Partition 

3.       Decision Table  

4.       Decision Coverage      


143     Which of the following is not a part of Performance Testing?  

1.       Measuring Transaction Rate   

2.       Measuring Response Time.     

3.       Measuring the LOC.    

4.       None of the above      


144     -------- is not a Test Document

1.       Test Policy      

2.       Test Case        

3.       PIN ( Project Initiation Note)  

4.       RTM (requirement Traceability matrix)  


145     Quality management system of a organization based on which pillars  

1.       Test plans, Test conditions & decisions  

2.       Quality processes, Guidelines and standards & Formats and templates

3.       Quality police, objectives and manuals  

4.       All of the mentioned 


146     Which of the following early OOD methods incorporates both a “micro development process” and a “macro development process.” ?

1.       Booch method 

2.       Rumbaugh method    

3.       Wirfs-Brock method  

4.       Coad and Yourdon method     


147     Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson combined the best features of their individual object-oriented analysis into a new method for object oriented design known as

1.       HTML

2.       XML  

3.       UML 

4.       SGML




148     Which of the following is not an operation as per OOD algorithms and data structures?  

1.  operations that manipulate data in some way          

2.  operations that perform a computation      

3.  operations that check for syntax errors       

4.  operations that monitor an object for the occurrence of a controlling event

149     What is Cyclomatic complexity?

1.  Black box testing   

2.  White box testing   

3.  Yellow box testing

4.  Green box testing


150     Maintenance testing is performed using which methodology?

1. Retesting   

2. Sanity testing

3. Breadth test and depth test  

4. Confirmation testing 


151     Multiplicity for an association ___________.  

1. association is the number of instances with a single instance  

2.  association is the number of instances with a number instance         

3.  Both a. and b.         

4.  None of above       


152 . What are the stages of the Unified Process? 

1.       Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition     

2.       Inception, Construction, Elaboration, Transition     

3.       Analysis, Elaboration, Testing, Transition   

4.       Design, Inception, Construction, Deployment         


153     To hide the internal implementation of an object we use __________________ 

1.       inheritance

2.       encapsulation       

3.       polymorphism      

4.       None of the above  


154     Which diagrams are used to distribute files, libraries, and tables across topology of the hardware          

1.       deployment          

2.       usecase

3.       sequence

4.       Collaboration        


155     UML is useful to ________ a system as it is or as we want it to be          

1.       visualize  

2.       specify     

3.       document  

4.       All the above        


156     In which phase is the scope of the project defined?     

1.       Inception

2.       Elaboration

3.       Construction         

4.       Transition


157     Transition phase of unified process involves    

1.       Coding and Testing 

2.       Communication and modeling       

3.       Installation and deployment          

4.       Communication and Planning        


158     Which of the relationship between the use case implies the exceptional event flows are factored out of the main event flow for clarity       

1.       Includes  

2.       Extends

3.       Generalization     

4.       All the above        


159     A collection of operations that specify the services rendered by a class or component known as________            

1.       Class         

2.       Interaction 

3.       Interface

4.       Collaboration


160     UML interfaces are used to ________

1.       Define an API for all classes 

2.       Program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk 

3.       Define executable logic to reuse across classes       

4.       Specify required services for types of objects 


161     ______  are used to create new building blocks from existing blocks.   

1.       Tagged Values      

2.       Stereotypes

3.       Constraints

4.       Diagrams


162     The explanatory parts of the UML model are known as ________         

1.       Behavioral things

2.       Grouping things   

3.       Structural things  

4.       Annotation things


163     An actor is ________

1.       A Person 

2.       A job title

3.       A role       

4.       A system


164     Use cases ________  

1.       Identify business processes 

2.       Identify system goals         

3.       Describe workflow  

4.       Prioritize system procedures         


165     The association stereotype «Extends» indicates ________       

1.       Delegation of part of a task to another use case     

2.       The target use case is a subprocess of the source use cases  

3.       A specialized form of a use case    

4.       A deviation from the UML standard


166     The fact that the same operation may apply to two or more classes is called what?       

1. inheritance

2. Polymorphism         

3. Encapsulation          

4. Multiple classification           


167     During Use Case Analysis, which UML diagrams should you use when allocating use-case behavior to classes?            

1.       sequence and activity diagrams

2.       class and composite structure diagrams    

3.       sequence and communication diagrams     

4.       use-case and activity diagrams      


168     Consider a beverage machine .if the actor is ‘customer’ and the scope is ‘machine’.what is most likely to be found in the main scenario of the use case ‘get drink’?   

1.       customer enters choice – machine shows price – customer puts in coins – machine delivers drink

2.       enter choice – if drink available then show price – put in coins – if paid enough then deliver drink

3.       machine sends price to LCD display – customer put coins in slot – coin mechanism verifies amount and tells machine controller – machine controller activates boiler –  

4.       enter choice – show price – put in coins – deliver drink       


169     The method of design encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical and as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design is known as        

1.       Object- Oriented Analysis

2.       Object- Oriented Programming     

3.       Object- Oriented Design  

4.       None of the above  


170     The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective of the viewer is called

1.       Modularity

2.       Abstraction

3.       Hierarchy

4.       Encapsulation       


171     ————– is a data value held by objects in a class.      

1.       Data          

2.       Functions

3.       Attributes  

4.       None of the above


172     Which of the following specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class

1.       Link or association  

2.       Multiplicity 

3.       Relationships        

4.       None of the above


173     To show multiplicity a solid ball is the symbol for “many”, meaning      

1.       Zero          

2.       one or more          

3.       Zero, one or more

4.       None of the above


174     A hollow ball indicates “optional”, meaning ———      

1.       zero or one

2.       One          

3.       Many       

4.       None of the above


175     A line without any ball indicates ————        

1.       No association      

2.       Association

3.       one-to-one association    

4.       None of the above


176     Numbers that are written on the solid ball such as 1,2,6 indicates ——

1.       1 

2.       2 

3.       1 or 2 or 6

4.       all the above


177     association may be     

1.       Unary       

2.       Binary      

3.       Ternary or n-ary  

4.       all the above         


178     The attribute(s) is/are associated with the association is called

1.       Link attribute        

2.       Derived attribute

3.       Multi-valued attribute      

4.       None of the above  


179     Which of the following is a name that uniquely identifies one end of an association?    

1. Label name of the link          

2. Role name 

3. Link attribute name

4. None of the above 


180     Which of the following indicates an ordered set of objects of an association?   

` 1.       Writing {ordered} next to the dot 

2.       Writing {ordered} next to the multiplicity dot         

3.       Writing {ordered} next to one end of the dot          

4.       None of the above


181     A qualifier is an ————- that reduces the effective multiplicity of an association.        

1. Association attribute

2. Attribute   

3. Special attribute     

4. None of the above


182     Which of the following is the “part-whole” or “a-part-of” relationship in which objects representing the component of something are associated with an object representing the entire assembly?       

1.       Generalization     

2.       Specialization        

3.       Aggregation          

4.       None of the above


183     Aggregations are drawn like associations, using a small hollow ———— indicating the assembly end of the relationship.  

1.       Diamond 

2.       Box

3.       Circle        

4.       Triangle   


184     Aggregation can be ———     

1.       Fixed        

2.       Variable  

3.       Recursive

4.       all the above         


185     Inheritance is a ———- relationship between two classes.       

1.       “is-a”        

2.       Part of     

3.       Both a and b          

4.       None of the above  


186     Generalization is reverse of ————–  

1.       Aggregation          

2.       Inheritance

3.       Specialization        

4.       None of the above  


187     An object can have which of the following multiplicities?           

1.       Zero          

2.       One          

3.       More than One    

4.       all the above         



  1. What does a simple name in UML Class and objects consists of ?

    1. Zero

    2. One

    3. More than One

    4. all the above

  2. Which of the following is true?

    1. Letters Digits

    2. Punctuation 

    3. Characters

    4. All of the mentioned

  3. What Does a Composite name consists of in a UML Class and object diagram ?

    1. The aggregation association represents the part-whole relation between the instances of the associated classes

    2. In a composition association, each part can be related to only a single whole at one time

    3. An association class represents a relation on the sets of instances of the classes it connects, and it also holds data and behavior the pertinent to the relation

    4. all the above

  4. A package diagram consists of the following?

    1. Delimiter

    2. Simple names

    3. Digits

    4. all the above

  5. What types of units does Component follow?

    1. Package symbols

    2. Groupings of Use cases, classes, components

    3. Interface

    4. Package symbols, Groupings of Use cases, classes & componentsPackage symbols

  6. Components can be represented by which of the following?

    1. Modular Unit

    2. Replaceable Unit

    3. Unit with well defined interface

    4. All of the mentioned

  7. What does a component diagram consists of?

    1. Component symbols

    2. Stereotypes

    3. Rectangular boxes

    4. Component symbols & Stereotypes

  8. Which of these is true with respect to interfaces?

    1. Components, their Relationship to the environment

    2. Packages and dependency

    3. Internal structure

    4. Internal structure, Components & their Relationship to the environment

  9. Which of these are diagrammatic heuristics?

    1. Interfaces in component diagram defines relationship between components and environment

    2. Interfaces realized by a class or a component are required interfaces

    3. Interface on which a class or component depends are called provided interfaces

    4. All of the mentioned

  10. Which of the following statement is true?

    1. Use notes, constraints, properties and stereotypes to add information to UML models

    2. Use Stereotypes to name dependencies

    3. Use packages to group elements in static models

    4. All of the mentioned

  11. Which among these are the common notations for deployment diagrams?

    1. Artifacts and nodes

    2. Stereotypes

    3. Components

    4. All of the mentioned

  12. Which of the following statement is true?

    1. UML artifact is any physical representation of data used or produced during software development or software product operation

    2. node is a computational resource

    3. All of the mentioned

    4. None of the mentioned

  13. Which of these are types of nodes used in the deployment diagram?

    1. Device

    2. Execution Environment

    3. Artifact

    4. Device & Execution Environment

  14. Which are the ways to represent nodes in a deployment diagram?

    1. Nodes instances are underlined identifiers of the form name:type

    2. The name may be left off, indicating an unnamed instance of the type

    3. The type may be left off, indicating a named instance with an unspecified type

    4. All of the mentioned

  15. What does a deployment diagram consists of?

    1. Computational resource

    2. Communication path between resource

    3. Artifacts that execute resource

    4. All of the mentioned

  16. Which of the following is incorrect in the deployment diagram?

    1. Communication connections between nodes are shown by communication paths

    2. Communication paths are represented by dotted lines

    3. Communication paths are represented by dotted lines

    4. None of the mentioned

  17. Which of these is correct?

    1. Artifacts instances and types have same names

    2. Artifact names and instances are underlines

    3. All of the mentioned

    4. None of the mentioned

  18. What is true about the artifacts?

    1. An Artifact is a physical entity

    2. An artifact has spatio temporal location

    3. All of the mentioned

    4. None of the mentioned

  19. What are the ways in which artifacts can be deployed?

    1. Artifact symbol can be placed within node symbol

    2. The artifact symbol can appear outside the node but be attached to it by dependency arrow from the artifact

    3. Artifact name can be listed inside the node symbol

    4. All of the mentioned

  20. What is collection of model elements called?

    1. Box

    2. Dependency

    3. UML packages

    4. Package members

  21. ________  is a physical and replaceable part of system.

    1. Component

    2. Deployment

    3. Node

    4. State 

  22.  A ________ shows the configuration of run time processing nodes and the components that live on them.

    1. use case diagram

    2. component diagram

    3. deployment diagram

    4. class diagram

  23. In deployment diagram, a node is represented as a ________

    1. cube

    2. cuboid

    3. prism

    4. rectangle

  24. It is also known as Wrapper, it is used when subclassing is not possible or practical to add functionality and it is used to add functionality at runtime. This pattern is

    1. Composite

    2. Decorator

    3. Adapter

    4. Observer

  25. Which design pattern you would you use to limit the class instantiation to one object?

    1. Factory

    2. Singleton

    3. Adapter

    4. Observer

  26. Which of the follwing is GRASP pattern?

    1. Creator

    2. Controller

    3. Information Expert

    4. All of the mentioned

  27. Why are Patterns important?

    1. They capture expert design knowledge

    2. They make captured design accessible to both novices and other experts

    3. All of the mentioned

    4. None of the above

  28. Which of the following is not true

    1. A controller object can handle multiple system events

    2. Controller is a kind of Facade pattern

    3. Controller pattern is used to control data

    4. A controller object helps identify out of sequence events 

  29. An observer pattern does not involve

    1. Analyzing observers  

    2. Keeping track of all observers  

    3. Keeping track of all observers

    4. Notifying changes / events to observers 

  30. ________ a non-UI object responsible for receiving or handling a system event

    1. Creator

    2. Controller

    3. Adapter

    4. All of the mentioned

  31. _________ is a single class receiving all system events and there are many of them

    1. Façade controller

    2. Bloated controller

    3. Usecase controller

    4. None of the above

  32. The elements of design pattern are ________-

    1. Problems

    2. Solutions

    3. Consequences

    4. All of the mentioned

  33. Defines an interface for creating an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate. It lets the instantiation differ to subclasses

    1. Builder

    2. Abstract factory

    3. Prototype Pattern

    4. Factory method pattern

  34. Which design pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects?

    1. Singleton pattern

    2. Factory pattern

    3. Bridge pattern

    4. Oberver pattern 

  35. Two types of responsibilities are

    1. doing

    2. knowing

    3. Both a) and b)

    4. None of the above

  36. Which of the following is true about doing responsibilities

    1. initiating action in other objects

    2. Controlling and Coordinating activities in other objects

    3. Creating objects

    4. All of the mentioned

  37. ____________are implemented to fulfill the responsibilities

    1. Attributes

    2. Methods

    3. Both a) and b)

    4. None of the above

  38. RDD stands for _____________

    1. Responsibility Driven Development

    2. Responsiblity Driven Design

    3. Reusability driven design

    4. Reusability driven development

  39. GRASP stands for ______________

    1. General Relation of Allocating Software Projects

    2. General Relation of Assigning Software Patterns

    3. General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns

    4. General Responsibility Allocating Software Projects

  40. Related patterns of creator are 

    1. Factory

    2. Low coupling

    3. Both a) and b)

    4. None of the above

  41. Assign a responsibility to the___________that has the information necessary to fulfill the responsibility

    1. Creator

    2. Controller

    3. Information Expert

    4. None of the above

  42. Which controller representing overall system?

    1. Façade controller

    2. Bloated controller

    3. Usecase controller

    4. None of the above

  43. Which pattern specifies How to keep objects focused, understandable and manageable.

    1. Low coupling

    2. Low cohesion

    3. High coupling

    4. High cohesion

  44. Specifying a set of test cases or test paths for each item to be tested at that level is known as

    1. Test case generation

    2. Test case design

    3. ALL of the mentioned

    4. None of the mentioned

  45. Which of the following is not a part of a test design document?

    1. Test Plan

    2. Test Design Specification

    3. Test Case Specification

    4. Test Log

  46. When does the testing process stops?

    1. When resources (time and budget) are over

    2. When some coverage is reached

    3. When quality criterion is reached

    4. Testing never ends

  47. A set of inputs, execution preconditions and expected outcomes is known as a

    1. Test plan

    2. Test case

    3. Test document

    4. Test Suite

  48. What do you understand by V&V in software testing?

    1. Verified Version

    2. Version Validation

    3. Verification and Validation

    4. Version Verification

  49. Which granularity level of testing checks the behavior of module cooperation?

    1. Unit Testing

    2. Integration Testing

    3. Acceptance Testing

    4. Regression Testing

  50. Identify the following who presented the object modeling technique (OMT).

    1. Booch

    2. Jim Rumbaugh ET AL

    3. Jacobson ET AL

    4. Both (a) and (b) above

  51. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding Object Oriented Methodologies?

    1. Gane and Sarson, Shlaer Mellor and Extreme Programming are object oriented methodologies

    2. RUP activities emphasize the creation and  maintenance of models rather than paper documents

    3. Establishment of the project plan and the architecture is done during the Elaboration phase of RUP

    4. During the Elaboration phase, the focus turns towards analysis and design

  52. Which of the following is not included in failure costs?

    1. rework

    2. repair

    3. failure mode analysis

    4. none of the mentioned

  53. Which requirements are the foundation from which quality is measured

    1. Hardware

    2. Software

    3. Programmers

    4. None of the mentioned

  54. Degree to which design specifications are followed in manufacturing the product is called

    1. Quality Control

    2. Quality of conformance

    3. Quality Assurance

    4. None of the mentioned

  55. What is not included in prevention costs?

    1. equipment calibration and maintenance

    2. quality planning

    3. formal technical reviews

    4. test equipment

  56. Software quality assurance consists of the auditing and reporting functions of management.

    1. TRUE

    2. FALSE

    3. Can't say

    4. None of the above

  57. Select which option is not true about SQA?

    1. Audits and reviews to be performed by the team

    2. Amount of technical work to be performed

    3. Evaluations to be performed

    4. Documents that are produced by the SQA team.

  58. Software quality assurance consists of which function of management

    1. reporting functions

    2. auditing functions

    3. both a and b

    4. None of the mentioned

  59. Which of the following is not included in prevention cost?

    1. equipment calibration and maintenance

    2. formal technical reviews

    3. test equipment reviews

    4. quality planning reviews

  60. What happened if an expected result is not specified then

    1. we cannot run the test

    2. we cannot automate the user input values

    3. it may be difficult to determine if the test has passed or failed

    4. it may difficult to repeat the test

  61. Faults are found most cost-effectively in which test activity?

    1. design

    2. execution

    3. planning

    4. Check Exit criteria completion

  62. In which testing the interfaces and services of the modules at each level of hierarchy are tested?

    1. Use based testing

    2. Thread based testing

    3. Class diagram based testing

    4. Sequence diagram based testing

  63. Process Metrics of SQA

    1. Number of KLOC

    2. Defect removal efficiency

    3. Average number of failures detected during testing

    4. All of the mentioned

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