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A) Consider the Following properties 

G-i) Closure
G-ii) Associative
G-iii) Identity Element
G-iv) Inverse Element
G-v) Commutative



B)Consider the Following properties

R-i) Closure under multiplication
R-ii) Associativity of multiplication
R-iii) Distributive Law
R-iv) Commutativity of multiplication
R-v) Multiplicative Identity
R-vi) No zero divisors
R-vii) Multiplicative Inverse


1. All groups satisfy the properties from above A&B
1) G-i to G-v
2) G-i to G-iv
3) G-i to R-v
4) R-i to R-v

Ans: 2

2. An Abelian Group satisfies the properties from above A&B
1) G-i to G-v
2) G-i to R-iv
3) G-i to R-v
4) R-i to R-v

Ans: 1

3. A Ring satisfies the properties from above A&B
1) R-i to R-v
2) G-i to G-iv
3) G-i to R-v
4) G-i to R-iii

Ans: 4

4. A Ring is said to be commutative if it also satisfies the property from above A&B
1) R-vi
2) R-v
3) R-vii
4) R-iv

Ans: 4

5. An ‘Integral Domain’ satisfies the properties from above A&B
1) G-i to G-iii
2) G-i to R-v
3) G-i to R-vi
4) G-i to R-iii

Ans: 3

6.A Field satisfies all the properties from above A&B

1) G-i to G-iii
2) G-i to R-v
3) G-i to R-vii
4) G-i to R-iii

Ans: 3

7. What is the Associative property of a group.

Ans: 1


8. Homomorphism of groups (G,*) onto (G1,o) is defined as



Ans; 3

9. What is the Commutative property of a group.


 10.Isomorphism of the two groups defined as f : G → G’ if

1. f is homomorphism and  f is one-to-one

2. f is homomorphism and  f is onto

3. f is homomorphism and  f is epimorphism

4. f is homomorphism and  f is one-to-one and onto

Ans: 4

11. Subgroup of Cyclic group is


      1. Cyclic               2. Monoid                        3. Field                              4. Not cyclic 



12. Any cyclic group is

1. Not a group              2.  Semi group                      3. Monoid                          4. Abelian

Ans: 4

13.  Left coset of the group is 

Ans: 3

14. What is the Distributive property of a group.


15.For every group G, Identity element of G will be

   1) More numbers            2) two           3) unique              4) its inverse


16) If and then AB in is



17) Let G be the group and let H be the sub group of group G, then


  1. O(G) divides O(H)    

  2. O(H) divides O(G)    

  3. O(G) does not divides O(H)    

  4. O(H) does not divides O(G)    


18) Given that is a cyclic group, then its generator is


  1. 2                     2)  1                3) 4               4) 0


19) If is the field then if and only if n is 

   1) Composite number     2) prime number   3) non negative integer    4) complex number

Ans: 2

20) An finite ……….. is a field.

1) Group         2         ) cyclic group               3) ring                      4) Integral domain

Ans: 3

21) Find the inverse of [25] in

1) [49]                           2) [52]                        3) [59]                      4) )[25]  


22)  Find all x in   such that          

1) x=3                               2) x=0                   3) x=(2,3)                     4) x= (1,4)           


23) The…………… always commutative.

1) Ring                     2) Boolean Ring                 3) Group                 4) Sub group


24) The kernel of group homomorphism is 

1) subgroup of the group

2) semi group

3) Normal subgroup of the group

4)Cyclic goup

Ans: 3

25) Every subgroup of abelian group is

1) Normal           2)Abelian          3)Cyclic       4)Monoid


26) If is group with usual multiplication then O(i) is 

(Order of  i in group G is)

1) 2                           2)3                                3)4                              4)1


27. For every group G if the identity element of G is ….

a. Unique

b. Identity 

c. Inverse

d. Element

Ans ;a

28. Every subgroup of a cyclic group is …..

a. subgroub

b. cyclic

c. group 

d.not cyclic

Ans; b 

29. Let f:G→H be a group homomorphism onto H. If G is abelian and H is …..



c. subgroub

d. Permutation

Ans : b

30. Any cyclic group is ….

a. Group

b. abelian

c. subgroub

d. Permutation

Ans: b

31. An abelian group is …..

a. Group

b. Abelian

c. cyclic

d. not cyclic

Ans: d

32. Find the inverse of [25] in Z72

a. [49]




Ans: a

33. To find [100]-1 in the Ring Z1009

a.  [222]

b. [333]

c. [111]

d. [444]


34. solve for x the linear congruence 3x≡7(mod 31)

a. x≡23(mod 31)

b.x≡57(mod 31)

c.x≡72(mod 31)

d.x≡113(mod 31)


35. solve for x the linear congruence 5x≡8(mod 37)

a. x≡10(mod 37)

b.x≡9(mod 37)

c.x≡11(mod 37)

d.x≡7(mod 37)


36. solve for x the linear congruence 6x≡97(mod 125)

a. x≡47(mod 125)

b.x≡27(mod 125)

c.x≡57(mod 125)

d.x≡37(mod 125)


37. In the group S5. Let ∝=1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5 and β=1 2 3 2 1 5   4 5 3 4 . Determine

a. 1 2 3 1 3 1   4 5 2 5

b. 1 2 3 1 5 2   4 5 4 3

c. 1 2 3 1 5 2   4 5 3 4

d. 1 2 3 1 5 3   4 5 4 2


38. In the group S5. Let ∝=1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5 and β=1 2 3 2 1 5   4 5 3 4 . Determine

 a.1 2 3 1 2 3   4 5 4 5

b. 1 2 3 1 2 5   4 5 4 3

c. 1 2 3 1 3 2   4 5 5 4

d. 1 2 3 1 5 2   4 5 4 3


39. In the group S5. Let ∝=1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5 and β=1 2 3 2 1 5   4 5 3 4 . Determine

 a.1 2 3 1 2 4   4 5 4 3

b. 1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5

c. 1 2 3 1 3 2   4 5 5 4

d. 1 2 3 2 1 3   4 5 4 5


40. In the group S5. Let ∝=1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5 and β=1 2 3 2 1 5   4 5 3 4 . Determine

a. 1 2 3 2 3 4   4 5 5 1

b. 1 2 3 2 1 3   4 5 4 5

c. 1 2 3 2 4 1   4 5 3 5

d. 1 2 3 2 1 4   4 5 5 3


41. . In the group S5. Let ∝=1 2 3 2 3 1   4 5 4 5 and β=1 2 3 2 1 5   4 5 3 4 . Determine ?

a. 1 2 3 2 1 4   4 5 5 3

b. 1 2 3 2 1 3   4 5 4 5

c. 1 2 3 2 4 1   4 5 3 5

d. 1 2 3 2 1 3   4 5 4 5


42. Every field is an …..

a. Integers

b. domain 

c. codomain

d. integral domain


43. Any integral domain is a …..

a. Integral domain

b. domain 

c. ring 

d. field


44. Boolean ring is always ….

a. distributive law

b. Associative law

c. commutative law

d. inverse law


45. For the group Sn of all Permutations of n distinct symbol what is the number of elements in Sn ?

a. n


c. 2n

d. n!


46. Inverse of –I in the multiplicative group, {1 , -1, i, -i}



c. i



47. In Zn , [a] is a unit iff gcd(a,n)=


b. 0

c. a

d. n

Ans: a

48.All integers n exactly one of n, 2n-1 and 2n+1 is divisible by

a. 2


c. 4



49. What is the last digit in 355?

a. 7

b. 5

c. 0


50. How many rings are there in the ring Z8?

a. 4


c. 3

d. 2


51. How many units are there in the ring Z2 X Z2 X Z2?

a. 1


c. 6

d. 8


                                 Unit II

               Finite Fields and polynomials

  1. Degree of non zero constant polynomial is

  1. 0              b) 1            c) constant          d) not defined


  1. If  R is the Ring with identity 1, then R[x] is a ring with identity

  1. 0                b) 1               c) e                  d) R

Ans: b

  1. If  R is an integral domain , then  deg(f(x).g(x))=

  1. deg ( f(x)+g(x))  b) deg f(x)+deg g(x)      c) deg f(x).deg g(x)      d) deg f(x)-deg g(x)   

Ans :b  

  1. An element a is root of  f(x)€ R[x]  if

  1. f(x)=a    b) f(1)=1   c) f(a)=0        d) f(a)=1  


  1. Find the roots of the polynomial x2-2€ Q[x]   

  1. No roots     b) 2,-√2   c) 1,-1   d) 2,-2


  1. Find the roots of the polynomial x2-2€ R[x]   

  1. No roots     b) 2,-√2   c) 1,-1   d) 2,-2


7. What is the degree of the polynomial f(x)=6x3+5x2+3x-2 over Z6?

      a) 3           b) 1          c) 2            d) 0


8. In Division algorithm for polynomials g(x)=q(x)f(x)+r(x), the value of  r(x) will be

      a) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) <deg f(x)         b) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) >deg f(x)                 

       c) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) <deg g(x)        d) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) >deg g(x)                 


9.Let F be a Field ,a€F and f(x) € F(x) then f(a) is remainder when   

a)  (x-a) is factor of  f(x)                  b) f(x) is factor of  (x-a)                        

c) f(x) is divided by  (x-a)                d) )  (x-a) is divided by  f(x)   


10. Let F be a Field ,a€F and f(x) € F(x) then a is root of f(x) iff   

a)  (x-a) is factor of  f(x)                  b) f(x) is factor of  (x-a)                        

c) f(x) is divided by  (x-a)                d) )  (x-a) is divided by  f(x)   


11. What is the remainder  when f(x)=x5+ 2x3+x2+2x+3 € Z5(x) is divided by (x-1)

         a) 6        b) 12      c) 4        d) 16


12. What is the remainder  when f(x)=2x3+x2+2x+23€ Z5(x) is divided by (x-2)

          a) 0        b) 2         c) 3        d) 4


13. If f(x) €F(x) is of degree n≥1, then

       a) f(x) has at most  n roots in F   b) f(x) has at most  n-1 roots in F   

      c) f(x) has at most  n+1 roots in F   d) f(x) has at most  n-2  roots in F   


14.Let f(x)=g(x)h(x) be a reducible polynomial then deg(g(x)) and deg(h(x)) are

      a) deg(g(x))≤1 and deg(h(x)) ≤1           b) deg(g(x))≥1 and deg(h(x)) ≥1

      c) deg(g(x))=0 and deg(h(x)) =0          d) deg(g(x)) ≥1  and deg(h(x)) ≤1           


15. Find the factor in f(x) =x3+x2+x+1€ Z2(x)

         a) (x-1)    b) (x)    c) (x-2)    d) (x+1)


16. Let F be a field and f(x) €F(x).If f(x) is of degree 1, then

  a) f(x) is has root     b) f(x) is integral doamin     c)f(x) is reducible     d) f(x) is irreducible

     Ans: d

17.Let F be a field and f(x),g(x) €F(x). If d(x) is the g.c.d of f(x) and g(x) then d(x) 

   a)d(x) divides f(x) alone                    b) d(x) divides g(x) alone   

   c) d(x) divides both f(x) and g(x)     d) d(x) does not divides both f(x) and g(x)     


18. In Division algorithm of two polynomials f(x) and g(x), the last non zero 

     remainder is called

     a) l.c.m of (f(x),g(x))                       b) g.c.d(f(x),g(x))                   

      c) zero polynomial                           d) Multiplication of  f(x) and g(x)     


19. The number of elements of a finite field is……., where p is prime number and n is a

       Positive integer

               a) pn              b) pn-1          c) pn-2              d) p1-n           


20. An ideal is always……..

a) Ring    b) Subring     c)Integral domain     d)Field

      Ans: b

21.How many polynomials are there of degree 2 in Z11(x)?

       a).1012                    b)1102                 c)1210             d)2101

     Ans: c

22.If (2x+1) is unit in Z4(x) then find its inverse in Z4(x).

        a)2x+2             b)2x+1           c)2x+3           d)4x+1


23.In monic polynomial the leading coefficient is……

      a) 1              b)2             c)-1           d)-2

    Ans: a

24.The polynomial f(x)=2x2+4 is irreducible over

         a) R                    b) Q             c) Z              d) C


25. The characteristic of a Field (F,+, .) is either 0 or  

 a) 1          b)constant         c)prime      d) composite


26. If R is a ring then (R(x),+,.)  is

  1. ring              b) not a ring            c) Field          d) integral domain


  1. If  R[x] is integral domain then R is

  1. ring                b) not a ring            c) Field                 d) integral domain

Ans: d

  1. If  f(x) belongs to F(x) and sF, then then remainder in the division of f(x) by x-s i s

  1. f(a)  b) f(x)      c) f(s)      d) f(x-s)   

Ans :c  

  1. Find the roots of the polynomial x2-2€ Q[x]   

  1. No roots     b) 2,-√2   c) 1,-1   d) 2,-2


  1. If f(x) F(x) and a F then x-a is the factor of f(x) iff the root of f(x) is

  1. 1    b) 2   c) a   d) x-a


31. if f(x) F(x) has degree n 1 then f(x) has atmost _____ roots

      a) n           b) n-1          c) n+1            d) 0


32. In Division algorithm for polynomials g(x)=q(x)f(x)+r(x), the value of  r(x) will be

      a) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) <deg f(x)         b) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) >deg f(x)                 

       c) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) <deg g(x)        d) r(x)=0 or deg r(x) >deg g(x)                 


33.How many polynomials are there degree n in Z11(x)?   

a) 10. 11n                 b) 11. 10n         c) 10. 11n-1                 d) )  11. 10n-1        


34. If is divided by then Q(x) is ___

a)  x2+5                  b) x+5           c) 25x3-30x                d)   25x3 -9x2 -30x-3             


35. If is divided by then r(x) is ___         

a)  x2+5                  b) x+5           c) 25x3-30x                d)   25x3 -9x2 -30x-3             


36. What is the remainder  when f(x)=2x3+x2+2x+23€ Z5(x) is divided by (x-2)

          a) 0        b) 2         c) 3        d) 4


37. One of the roots of x4-16 is ____

       a) 2i   b) 4i   c) -4i   d) i  


38. What is the remainder  when f(x)=x100+x90+x80+x50+1 divided by (x-1)

          a) 0        b) 2         c) 1        d) 4


39. How many units are there in the ring Zp(x), p a prime?

       a) p-1   b) p+1   c) p  d) p-n+1  


40. Find the factor in f(x) =x3+x2+x+1€ Z2(x)

         a) (x-1)    b) (x)    c) (x-2)    d) (x+1)


41. If R is an intergral domain , if f(x) is a unit in R(x) then f(x) is a constant and _____in R 

a) ideal    b) unit     c)Field     d) zero polynomial

     Ans: b

42.Every non-zero polynomial of degree 1 is

   a)reducible      b) Irreducible   c) unit     d) Ring 


43. If f(x), g(x) F(x) and their GCD is 1 then f(x) and g(x) are called

     a) Prime                       b) Not a prime                   

      c) zero polynomial                           d) Relatively prime     


44. The number of elements of a finite field is……., where p is prime number and n is a

       Positive integer

               a) pn              b) pn-1          c) pn-2              d) p1-n           


45. Let ( F, +, .) be a field, If char F > 0, then Char(F) must be _____

a) Ring    b) Subring     c)Integral domain     d)Prime

      Ans: d

46.If s(x) is irreducible in F(x) then F(x)/s(x) is a _____

       a).ring                   b)Field                 c)Integral domain             d)Principal ideal

     Ans: b

47.The Characteristic of Z11 is

        a)22             b)11          c)33           d)10


48.In monic polynomial the leading coefficient is……

      a) 1              b)2             c)-1           d)-2

    Ans: a

49.If s(x) = x4+x3+1, the order of  Z(x)/s(x) is

         a) 4                   b) 8             c) 16              d) 2


50. The characteristic of Q(x) is  

 a) 1          b)0         c)prime      d) composite



Divisibility Theory and Canonical Decompositions

1. State the division algorithm for two integers a and b, where b>0.

      (a) a=qb+r, 0≤r<b. 

  1.  a=qb-r, 0≤r<b.

  2. a=qb-r, 0≥r>b.

  3. a=qb+r, 0≥r>b


2. Find the quotient and remainder in the division algorithm when -23 is 

      divided by 5.

         (a)  -23=5(5)+2, 0≤2<5

         (b) -23=-5(5)-2, 0≤2<5

         (c) -23=-5(5)+2, 0≤2<5

         (d) 23=-5(5)+2, 0≤2<5


3. If a divides b and  a divides c then a divides -2c+3b , So its true and false.

   (a) True   (b) False

          Ans : a

4. Find the number of positive integers 2076 that are divisible by 19.

     (a) 108    (b) 106    (c) 107    (d) 109

           Ans  : d

 5. If the square of an integer is even , then the integer is 

      (a) Odd   (b)  Even   (c) Prime  (d) neither even nor odd

             Ans : b

6. Find the number of positive integers 2076 that are divisible by neither 4 nor 5.

.  (a) 1244         (b) 1243         (c) 1245       (d) 1242

             Ans : c 

7. Find the gcd of 168 and 180 using the canonical decomposition.

    (a)  11       (b)  13          (c)  10        (d)  12

             Ans : d

8. Find the canonical decomposition of 29   -  1

     (a) 511         (b) 510        (c) 506        (d) 509

               Ans : a

9. If  a divides b  and c divides d then 

        (a) ab divides cd     (b) ac divides bd    (c) ad divides bc   (d)  a didvides d  

                Ans: b

10. Express (10110)2   in base 10

          (a) 20     (b) 21    (c)22     (d) 23

                 Ans : c

11. Express (1776)8   as a decimal number

 (a) 1020   (b)  1019  (c)1021    (d) 1022

                 Ans : d

12. Write 111010 2   as an octal integer 

 (a) 728      (b)  722   (c) 7210   (d) 726

                 Ans : a

13. Write 110101as a hexadecimal number

   (a) 7516       (b) 7512    (c)  7515     (d)  7514  

                   Ans : a

14. Find the value of the base  b if 54b   = 64 

  (a) 11    (b)12    (c)  10   (d)  13 

                    Ans : b

15. If (a , b) = d , then 

 (a) (a/b  ,  b/d ) = 1   (b) (a/d  ,  b/d ) = 2   (c) (a/d  ,  b/d ) = 1    (d)  (a/b  ,  b/d ) = 1

                       Ans : c

16. If n is a positive integer , then gcd ( n , n+2) is 

  (a) 1 or 3    (b)  2 or 3  (c)  3 or 4  (d) 1 or 2 

                         Ans : d

17. If a , b , c are positive integer, then gcd (ca , cb) = ? 

  (a)  c gcd(a,b)     (b)   b gcd(a,c)    (c)  a gcd(b,c)   (d) gcd (a , b)

                         Ans : a

18. If (a,b) =1 then ( a+b , a-b ) = ?

   (a) 1 or 3    (b)  2 or 3  (c)  3 or 4  (d) 1 or 2 

                          Ans: d

19. If (a,b)=3 and ab = 693 find[ a, b ]

  (a) 231  (b)  230  (c) 229 (d) 228

                          Ans : a

20. If a and b are positive integer with a = 231, (a, b) = 7 and [a,b] =600060, find b.

   (a) 1819    (b) 1820   (c) 1821   (d) 1822

                          Ans : b

21. If (a,b)  = [a,b] what can you say about the relation between a and b.

   (a) a> b  (b)  a< b  (c) a = b    (d) ab

                         Ans : c

22. Find the positive integer a if [a , a+1] = 132

     (a) 10    (b) 12   (c) 13   (d) 11

                      Ans : d

23. If ab =156 , a and b are relatively prime find [a,b]

            (a) 156      (b) 155      (c) 154     (d) 153

                      Ans : a

24. The Lcm of two consecutive positive integers is 812 find the number 

            (a) 27    (b) 28    (c)  26   (d)  25 

                        Ans : b

25. If a and b are positive integers with a.b = 24 . 34 . 5  . 7 . 113 . 13 and 

       [a,b]= 22 . 33. 5. 7 . 112 . 13 then what is (a,b)=

               (a) 329        (b) 328        (c) 330         (d)  331

                        Ans : c

26. If f(n) denotes the number of positive factors of a positive integer n, then f(12)=

      (a) 6 

  1.  4

  2. 8

  3. 11


27. Let a,b Z such that a/b and b/a then

         (a)  a b

         (b) a=b

         (c) a/a

         (d) b/b


28 The no of positive integers 2076 and divisible by neither 4 nor 5 is

   (a) 831   (b) 1234     (c) 1245     (d) 830

          Ans : c

29. The sum of the product of any two even integers are.

     (a) even    (b) odd   (c) neither odd nor even    (d) prime

           Ans  : a

 30. If the square of an integer is even , then the integer is 

      (a) Odd   (b)  Even   (c) Prime  (d) neither even nor odd

             Ans : b

31. 2n3+3n2+n is divisible by.

.  (a) 2         (b) 3         (c) 6       (d) 12

             Ans : c 

32. Expansion of 10110two in base ten is

    (a)  25       (b)  24          (c)  23        (d)  22

             Ans : d

33. Expansion of 1776eight in base ten is

     (a) 1022         (b) 1023        (c) 1024        (d) 1025

               Ans : a

34. Find b, if 1001b = 9 

        (a) 3     (b) 2    (c) 5(d)  4  

                Ans: b

35. Find a if 144a= 49

          (a) 6     (b) 4    (c)5     (d) 9

                 Ans : c

36. The Number of ones in the binary representation of 24-1 is

 (a) 6   (b)  5  (c)4    (d) 3

                 Ans : c

37. Every composite number n has a prime factor 

 (a) ≤√n   (b)  ≥√n   (c) <√n   (d) >√n

                 Ans : a

38. The composite six consecutive integers are

   (a) 5043,5044,5045,5046,5047,5048

  (b) 5042,5043,5044,5045,5046,5047    

(c)  5052,5053,5054,5055,5056,5057

    (d)  5041,5042, 5043,5044,5045,5046

                   Ans : b

39.If p and q are successive odd primes and p+q = 2r then r is _____ 

  (a) prime  (b)composite    (c)  twinprime   (d)  relatively prime

                    Ans : b

40. Any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers are 

 (a) prime  (b)composite    (c)  twinprime   (d)  relatively prime                       

Ans : d

41. If n is a positive integer , then gcd ( n , n+2) is 

  (a) 1 or 3    (b)  2 or 3  (c)  3 or 4  (d) 1 or 2 

                         Ans : d

42. If a , b , c are positive integer, then gcd (ca , cb) = ? 

  (a)  c gcd(a,b)     (b)   b gcd(a,c)    (c)  a gcd(b,c)   (d) gcd (a , b)

                         Ans : a

43. If b=a2 then (a,b) is

   (a) b    (b)  a (c)  a2  (d) a3 

                          Ans: b

44. If d = (a,b) and d1 is any common divisor of a and b then

   (a) d/d1    (b)  d1/d (c)  d does not divides d1  (d) d1 does not divides d 

                          Ans : b

45. (18,30,60,75,132)=.

   (a) 3  (b) 6  (c) 9  (d)12

                          Ans : a

46. Every integer n≥2 either is a prime or can be expressed as a product of_____

   (a) primes  (b)  composites  (c) integers    (d) real numbers

                         Ans : a

47. The positive factors of 48 is

     (a) 10    (b) 12   (c) 8   (d)6

                      Ans : a

48. There are infinitely many primes of the form_____

            (a) 4n+3    (b) 4n-3      (c) 4n+2    (d) 4n-2

                      Ans : a

49. [1050,2574]= 

            (a) 350450    (b) 450450    (c)  440450   (d)  350350

                        Ans : b

50. If a and b are positive integers with a.b =

               (a) a[a,b]       (b) a(a,b)        (c) (a,b)[a,b]         (d)  ab[a,b]

                        Ans : c


Unit IV- Diophantine equations and Congruences

  1. The Linear Diophantine equation ax+by=c  is solvable where d=(a,b) if

  1. a divides c       b)  c divides d       c) b divides c      d)  d divides c

Ans: d

  1. then

  1.     b)      c)      d)  -

Ans: b

  1. One of the solution of Hundred Fowl’s Puzzle is

  1.           b)     

 c)           d)

Ans: a

  1. If iff

  1.     b)      c)      d) 

Ans: a

  1. (175 , 192) is equal to

  1. 16     b)  1     c)  8     d)  12

Ans: b

  1. [252, 360] is equal to

  1. 100    b)  3310     c)  2310     d)  2520

Ans :d

  1. If the LDE is solvable then the solution is

            a)     b)  

  c)       d)


      8.In Euclidean algorithm of  a & b, the last nonzero remainder  is 

a) gcd of  a & b   b)  lcm of a & b    c) prime number    d) linear combination of a & b

Ans: a

     9. One of the solution of Mahavira’s Puzzzle is

a)       b)     c)     d) 

ans: b

      10. Which one is the solution of linear combination of  18 and 28

a)      b)     c)     d)

           Ans: c

     11. Find the remainder a is divisible  by 7.

a)3                  b) 6          c) 8          d)  12


     12. The LDE 5x+7y = 13 can be written as

a)     b)     c)     d)

Ans: b

      13. Find the remainder a is divisible  by 15.

a) 3                   b) 4              c)5                d)6

Ans : b

     14.  The solution of Chinese Remainder Theorem is

a)     b)    

 c)     d)


     15.  -23 Div 25 is equal to 

a)  -5     b)  5    c)  -1    d)  1

Ans: c

     16.  If the LDE is 12x+13y = 14.  Then d is equal to

a)  6     b)  12      c) 48     d) 1


     17. Ififf a and b leaves the _______

a) same quotient     b)  same remainder     c)  Different quotients     d) Different remainders

Ans: b


  18.  If and

a)                                       b)                                                                               c)                                        d)


     19.  When is divided by 11 then the remainder is

a) 32      b)  9     c)  3     d) 0


     20.  Find the remainder a is divisible  by 12.

a) 0     b)  1     c) Infinite     d) No solution


     21.   then

a)  m divides a-b    b)  a+b divides m     c) a-b divides m     d)  m divides a+b

Ans: a

     22.  The Linear congruence is solvable iff d divides b where d is equal to

a)  (a,b)     b)  (b,m)     c) (a,m)     d) (ax,bm)

Ans; c

     23. has _____ incongruent solutions

a)  2     b)  6     c)  3      d)  9


     24.  The linear systems has unique solution  if 

            then the value of   is

a)         b)       c)      d)

Ans: d

     25.  An integer is divisible by 9 iff the sum of the digits is divisible by 

a) 3     b)  9     c)  6     d)   3 and 9

  1. is divisible by

  1. 12     b)  14     c)  16     d)  22


  1. is congruent to

  1. -10     b)  10     c)  4     d)  -4


  1. One of the solution of Hundred Fowl’s Puzzle is

  1.     b)     c)     d)


  1. If iff

  1.     b)      c)      d) 


  1. (120 , 28) is equal to

  1. 16     b)  4     c)  8     d)  12


  1. [110, 210] is equal to

  1. 10     b)  3310     c)  2310     d)  2210


  1. If the LDE is solvable then the solution is

            a)     b)  

  c)       d)


      33. The LDE is solvable iff

a) c divides d     b)  d divides c     c)  c does not divides d     d) d does not divides c


     34. One of the solution of Mahavira’s Puzzzle is

a)     b)     c)     d) 


      35. Which one is the solution of linear combination of  28 and 12

a)      b)     c)     d)


     36. The congruence has ……. Solutions

a) 4    b) 6    c) 8    d)  12


     37. The LDE 2x+3y = 5 can be written as

a)     b)     c)     d)


      38. The congruence’s where the module are Pairwise relatively prime has______ solutions

a) Indefinite     b) Finite    c) Unique      d) No solutions


     39.  The solution of Chinese Remainder Theorem is

a)     b)    

 c)     d)


     40.  -72 Div 17 is equal to 

a)  -55     b)  55     c)  -4     d)  4


     41.  If the LDE is 12x+16y = 20.  Then d is equal to

a)  6     b)  12      c) 48     d) 4


     42. Ififf a and b leaves the _______

a) same quotient     b)  same remainder     c)  Different quotients     d) Different remainders


     43.  In the Euclidean Algorithm Method, _______ is the GCD

a) Last remainder  b)  Last non-zero remainder  c)  First remainder d) First non-zero remainder


     44.  When is divided by 15 then the remainder is

a) 32      b)  9     c)  3     d) 0


     45.  If a is divisible by b then the remainder is

a) 0     b)  1     c) Infinite     d) No solution


     46.  a divides by b is

a)  a divided by b     b)  b divided by a     c) 0     d)  Indefinite 


     47.  The Linear congruence is solvable iff d divides b where d is equal to

a)  (a,b)     b)  (b,m)     c) (a,m)     d) (ax,bm)


     48. has _____ incongruent solutions

a)  2     b)  6     c)  3      d)  9


     49.  If , then

a)     b)     c)    d)


     50.  If is divided by 7 then the remainder is

a) 1     b)  2     c)  6     d)  5



Unit V- Classical Theorems and Multiplicative Functions

  1. If a is self invertible if and only if

  1.       b)     c)     d)


  1. In Wilson’s theorem ,If  p=2 then,

a)             b)                                                                            

 c)                   d)


  1. A positive integer p is prime iff p=

  1. p-2     b) p-1    c) 0     d) 1


  1. Let p be a prime and a is any integer such that p does not divides a

  1. is an inverse of modulo p         b) is an inverse of modulo p                                            c) is an inverse of modulo p         d) is an inverse of modulo p


Ans: b

  1. If the one of the solution is 

  1.     b)     c) d)


  1. let m be a positive integer, then defined as    

 a) number of positive integers and are relatively prime to m 

 b) number of positive integers and are relatively prime to m   

 c) sum of positive integers and are relatively prime to m

 d) sum of positive integers and are relatively prime to m



7. Let p be a prime number and let a be any integer.  Then

           a)  p (mod a)     b) a (mod p)     c) -1(mod p)     d) 1(mod p)


8. Let m be the positive integer and a is any integer with (a,m)=1, then

    a)       b)      c)     d) 


9. Find the remainder when is divided by 18

         a) 13             b) 14                 c) 15                   d) 18



         a) 6     b) 12     c) 4     d) 8


11. Find

a)   b)     c)     d)


12. Find

a)     b)     c)     d)


13. Let p be a prime, then

a)     b)   c)     d)


14. Find

a) 36    b) 26     c) 16     d) 32


15. Compute , for n=18

a) 48     b) 20     c) 10     d) 18


16.If  p and q are distinct primes,

a) 1(mod pq)     b) 0(mod pq)     c) -1(mod pq)     d) pq(mod pq)


17. If  p and q are distinct primes

a) pq(mod pq)     b) p+q(mod pq)     c) p-q(mod pq)     d) p/q(mod pq)


18.Find the twin Primes p and q if

a) p=11,q=13    b) p=11,q=17        c) p=17,q=13       d) p=19,q=23        


19. If n is odd then

a)     b)       c)               d)

Ans: c

20. If n is even then

a)     b)       c)               d)


21.Find the one digit in the base seven expansion of

         a) 4     b) 2     c) 1     d) 3


22. Find

         a) 9    b) 18    c) 12     d) 3



         a) 0   b) 13    c) 1     d) 2


24.Let p be any prime and e be any positive integer.Then

         a) e+1   b) e-1    c) p-1     d)p+1


25. .Let p be any prime and e be any positive integer.Then

        a)             b)             c)               d)


  1. If p is prime, then (p-1)! =

  1. -1(mod p)      b) 1(mod p)     c) 0(mod p)     d) 1!(mod p)

  1. If p be any prime and n any positive integer, then np!n!pn 

  1. 0(mod p)     b) 1(mod p)     c) -1(mod p)      d) p!(mod p)

  1. A positive integer p is prime iff p=

  1. p-2     b) p-1    c) 0     d) 1

  1. let n be a positive integer, then σ(n) is defined as

  1. sum of positive factors of n     b) number of positive factors of  n     c) n!     d) (n-1)!

  1. If f is a multiplicative function, then F(n) = 

  1. d/nf(d)     b) d/nf(n)     c) n/df(d)     d) n/df(n)     

  1. let n be a positive integer, then (n) is defined as

     a)sum of positive factors of n     b) number of positive factors of  n     c) n!     d) (n-1)!

32. let n≥2 be a positive integer, then n is prime iff

a) (n+1)! 1 (mod n)   b) (n-1)! 1 (mod n)   c) (n+1)! -1 (mod n)  d) (n-1)! -1 (mod n) 

33. Let p be a prime, then (p-1)(p-2)…(p-k) congruent to

a) -1kk!(mod k)       b) -1kk!(mod p)       c) -1kp!(mod k)     d)  -1pk!(mod k)  

34.Let p be a prime number and let a be any integer.  Then ap     

a)  p (mod a)     b) a (mod p)     c) -1(mod p)     d) 1(mod p)

35. If p and q are distinct primes, then pq-1+qp-1

a) -1(mod pq)     b) 1 (mod pq)     c) p (mod pq)     d) q(mod pq)

36. 12=

a) 6     b) 12     c) 10     d) 28 

37. 36=

a) 9     b) 6     c) 12     d) 18

38. Let  a be a solution of the congruence , then the another solution is

a) m+a     b) m-a     c) m+1     d) m-1

39. Let p be an odd prime, then

a) 0(mod p)     b) 1(mod p)     c) -1(mod p)     d) p-1(mod p)

40. =

a) 8     b) 4     c) 2     d) 0

41. Compute , for n=10

a) 48     b) 20     c) 10     d) 8


a) 1(mod ab)     b) 0(mod ab)     c) a(mod ab)     d) b(mod ab)

43. If , then =

a) n/2     b) k/2     c) n-1     d) k-1

44.Let fn denote a Fermat Prime, then =

a) fn-1     b) fn+1     c) fn-2     d)fn+2            

45. Let p be a prime and a any integer such that p does not divides a. then    

a) 1 (mod p)     b) 0 (mod p)     c) p-1(mod p)     d) p+1(mod p)

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