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 A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru, and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organizations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
What is the profession of the person who works for Infosys?




 Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different colors, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE, and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is the only son of E. All members live in different cities, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like WHITE. E
likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not
belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to Bhopal.
The family members who belong to Ranchi like neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in Patna
like RED.
Which of the following groups live in Bhopal?

B , D


M, N, O, P, and Q are five professionals working in the same MNC. All of them works in a different
department, viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account, and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a
week from Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in
Marketing but does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on
Thursday. O does his work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on
Friday but not by P. M does his work on Monday.
Q does his work on which of the following days?



A, B, C,D, E, F and G are seven members of a family. There are two Lawyers, two MBAs, one Entrepreneur,
one Executive and one Author in the family. There are two married couples in the family.
D is an Author and is married to an MBA. No female member of the family is an Author. C, who is a
Lawyer, is married to A, who is an MBA. Both the Lawyers are females. G is married to D. B is paternal
aunt of E, who is granddaughter of the author. F is the son of the male MBA and has one sister. One
male person in the family is an Entrepreneur. Neither B nor F is a Lawyer.
How is G related to F?



A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru, and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA, and BDO for organizations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture, and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. The manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Partworks for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Who amongst the following works as an Asst. Manager?




Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like a different colours, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE,
YELLOW, BLUE, and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A.
B is the mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is the only son of E. All members live in different cities,
but not necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like
WHITE. E likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but
does not belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to
Bhopal. The family members who belong to Ranchi like neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in
Patna like RED.
The member who lives in Ranchi like which color?




Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G live in a seven-storey building. The bottom floor is numbered 1 and
the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on, the topmost floor is numbered 7. All the persons are
working with different shops, viz Liberty, Puma, Sonata, Titan, Reebok, Nike and Walmart but not
necessarily in the same order.C lives on the third floor but does not work with Liberty shop. B does not
work with Puma. The one who works with Walmart lives immediately below the person who works with
Titan. F works with Sonata but he does not live on an even-numbered floor.The floor on which A lives is
immediately above the floor on which B lives. A does not work with Liberty shop. The one who works
with Nike lives immediately below the one who works with Puma.D lives on floor number 6. Neither A
nor E works with Reebok.G works with Titan and lives on the topmost floor.The one who works with
Liberty does not live above the person who works with Puma.
How many persons live between the one who works in Sonata and the one who works in Puma?




Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F, and G like different colors, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE,
YELLOW, BLUE, and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A.
B is the mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is the only son of E. All members live in different cities,
but not necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like
WHITE. E likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but
does not belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to
Bhopal. The family members who belong to Ranchi like neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in
Patna like RED.
Who is a sister in law of F?




Bianca, Mohit, Tarun, Renuka, Kavita, Hemant and Dipali are travelling in a train compartment with III-tier
sleeper berth. Each of them has a different profession of Engineer, Doctor, Architect, Pharmacist,
Lawyer, Journalist and Pathologist. They occupied two lower berths, three middle berths and two upper
berths. Bianca, the Engineer, is not on the upper berth. The Architect is the only other person who
occupies the same type of berth as that of Bianca. Mohit and Hemant are not on the middle berth and
their professions are Pathologist and Lawyer respectively. Tarun is a Pharmacist. Dipali is neither a
Journalist nor an Architect. Kavita occupies the same type of berth as that of the Doctor.
Which of the following combinations of person-profession-Berth is not correct?
Mohith - Pathologist - Upper Berth
Hemanth - Lawyer - Middle Berth
Tarun - Pharmacist - Middle Berth
Renuka - Architect - Lower Berth



Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F, and G like a different color, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE,
YELLOW, BLUE, and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A.
B is the mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is the only son of E. All members live in different cities,
but not necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like
WHITE. E likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but
does not belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to
Bhopal. The family members who belong to Ranchi like neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in
Patna like RED.
F's sister likes which color?




 A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
For which organisation does LATHA work?

Either HCL or Infosys


M, N, O, P, and Q are five professionals working in the same MNC. All of them works in a different
department, viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account, and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a
week from Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in
Marketing but does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on
Thursday. O does his work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on
Friday but not by P. M does his work on Monday.
Who among the following works on Tuesday?



 Seven boys Kunal, Kartic, Krish, Kundan, Kamal, Keshav and Krishna go to seven different hospitals, viz
RML, Ganga Ram, BLK, Guru Nanak, Patel, Apollo and AIIMS on four different days – Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday and Sunday – of a week but not necessarily in the same order. At least one boy but not more
than two boys go to hospital on each day.
Kundan goes to Guru Nanak on Sunday. Keshav goes to AIIMS alone. The one who goes to Patel does
not go with Kamal or Kartic. Kartic goes on Thursday and he does not go to BLK. Krishna does not go to
Apollo. Krish goes on Thursday. The person who goes to BLK goes with the person who goes to RML.
The boy who goes to Apollo goes on Sunday. Kunal goes on Saturday and goes to Patel.
Which of the following combinations is true?
Kartic - Ganga Ram -Thursday
Krishna -Ganga Ram - Thursday
Kamal - Apollo - Sunday
None is true


Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F, and G like a different color, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE,
YELLOW, BLUE, and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A.
B is the mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is the only son of E. All members live in different cities,
but not necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like
WHITE. E likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but
does not belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to
Bhopal. The family members who belong to Ranchi like neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in
Patna like RED.
Who among the following likes BLUE?

C or A



 Seven boys Kunal, Kartic, Krish, Kundan, Kamal, Keshav and Krishna go to seven different hospitals, viz
RML, Ganga Ram, BLK, Guru Nanak, Patel, Apollo and AIIMS on four different days – Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday and Sunday – of a week but not necessarily in the same order. At least one boy but not more
than two boys go to hospital on each day.
Kundan goes to Guru Nanak on Sunday. Keshav goes to AIIMS alone. The one who goes to Patel does
not go with Kamal or Kartic. Kartic goes on Thursday and he does not go to BLK. Krishna does not go to
Apollo. Krish goes on Thursday. The person who goes to BLK goes with the person who goes to RML.
The boy who goes to Apollo goes on Sunday. Kunal goes on Saturday and goes to Patel.One of the boys
goes to another hospital on the day Ganga Ram is visited.
Name the other hospital.


Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G live in a seven-storey building. The bottom floor is numbered 1 and
the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on, the topmost floor is numbered 7. All the persons are
working with different shops, viz Liberty, Puma, Sonata, Titan, Reebok, Nike and Walmart but not
necessarily in the same order. C lives on the third floor but does not work with Liberty shop.B does not
work with Puma. The one who works with Walmart lives immediately below the person who works with
Titan. F works with Sonata but he does not live on an even-numbered floor. The floor on which A lives is
immediately above the floor on which B lives. A does not work with Liberty shop.The one who works
with Nike lives immediately below the one who works with Puma. D lives on floor number 6. Neither A
nor E works with with Titan and lives on the topmost floor.The one who works with Liberty
does not live above the person who works with Puma.
E works at which of the following shops?



 M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday.
On which of the following days does P do his work?


Bianca, Mohit, Tarun, Renuka, Kavita, Hemant and Dipali are travelling in a train compartment with III-tier
sleeper berth. Each of them has a different profession of Engineer, Doctor, Architect, Pharmacist,
Lawyer, Journalist and Pathologist. They occupied two lower berths, three middle berths and two upper
berths. Bianca, the Engineer, is not on the upper berth. The Architect is the only other person who
occupies the same type of berth as that of Bianca. Mohit and Hemant are not on the middle berth and
their professions are Pathologist and Lawyer respectively. Tarun is a Pharmacist. Dipali is neither a
Journalist nor an Architect. Kavita occupies the same type of berth as that of the Doctor. Renuka
doesn't like journalism.
Who is the Architect?
Data inadequate


Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G live in a seven-storey building. All the persons are working with
different shops, viz Liberty, Puma, Sonata, Titan, Reebok, Nike and Walmart but not necessarily in the
same order. C lives on the third floor but does not work with Liberty shop. B does not work with
Puma.The one who works with Walmart lives immediately below the person who works with Titan. F
works with Sonata but he does not live on an even-numbered floor. The floor on which A lives is
immediately above the floor on which B lives. A does not work with Liberty shopThe one who works
with Nike lives immediately below the one who works with Puma.; D lives on floor number 6. Neither A
nor E works with Reebok. G works with Titan and lives on the topmost floor. The one who works with
Liberty does not live above the person who works with Puma.
Who works on Rebok?


M, N, O, P, and Q are five professionals working in the same MNC. All of them works in a different
department, viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account, and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a
week from Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in
Marketing but does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on
Thursday. O does his work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on
Friday but not by P. M does his work on Monday.
Which of the following tasks is done by O?

Either (a) and (c)


"A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor.
Which of the following combinations is/are true?
I - Chennai - Married - Salesman
G - Delhi - Bachelor - Driver
H - Chennai - Bachelor - Pilot
L - Mumbai - Bachelor - Cricketer


Seven boys Kunal, Kartic, Krish, Kundan, Kamal, Keshav and Krishna go to seven different hospitals, viz
RML, Ganga Ram, BLK, Guru Nanak, Patel, Apollo and AIIMS on four different days – Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday and Sunday – of a week but not necessarily in the same order. At least one boy but not more
than two boys go to hospital on each day.
Kundan goes to Guru Nanak on Sunday. Keshav goes to AIIMS alone. The one who goes to Patel does
not go with Kamal or Kartic. Kartic goes on Thursday and he does not go to BLK. Krishna does not go to
Apollo. Krish goes on Thursday. The person who goes to BLK goes with the person who goes to RML.
The boy who goes to Apollo goes on Sunday. Kunal goes on Saturday and goes to Patel
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Kamal goes to BLK on Sunday
Kartic goes to Ganga Ram on Tuesday
Keshav goes to AIIMS on Saturday
Only Kamal goes to BLK on Sunday and Kartic goes to Ganga Ram on Tuesday

 None is True


A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Which of the following combinations of person, profession and organisation is correct?
MANI- Manager - HCL
PARU -Asst. Manager - IBM
LATHA -Asst. Manager - Infosys




A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family. There are two Lawyers, two MBAs, one
Entrepreneur, one Executive and one Author in the family. There are two married couples in the family.
D is an Author and is married to an MBA. No female member of the family is an Author. C, who is a
Lawyer, is married to A, who is an MBA. Both the Lawyers are females. G is married to D. B is paternal
aunt of E, who is granddaughter of the author. F is the son of the male MBA and has one sister. One
male person in the family is an Entrepreneur. Neither B nor F is a Lawyer.
Who among the following is an Executive?



Seven boys Kunal, Kartic, Krish, Kundan, Kamal, Keshav and Krishna go to seven different hospitals, viz
RML, Ganga Ram, BLK, Guru Nanak, Patel, Apollo and AIIMS on four different days – Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday and Sunday – of a week but not necessarily in the same order. At least one boy but not more
than two boys go to hospital on each day.
Kundan goes to Guru Nanak on Sunday. Keshav goes to AIIMS alone. The one who goes to Patel does
not go with Kamal or Kartic. Kartic goes on Thursday and he does not go to BLK. Krishna does not go to
Apollo. Krish goes on Thursday. The person who goes to BLK goes with the person who goes to RML.
The boy who goes to Apollo goes on Sunday. Kunal goes on Saturday and goes to Patel.
Krish goes to which of the following hospitals?



"A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are the Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who
lives in Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son.
The Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor.
I live in which of the following cities?
Either (a) or (b)



M, N, O, P, and Q are five professionals working in the same MNC. All of them works in a different
department, viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account, and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a
week from Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in
Marketing but does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on
Thursday. O does his work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on
Friday but not by P. M does his work on Monday.
Which of the following combinations is true?
N - Marketing - Tuesday
P - Account - Monday
Q - HR - Wednesday
M - Admin - Friday



A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru, and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA, and BDO for organizations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture, and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. The manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
What is the profession of JAY?
Asst. Manager
Software Developer
Cannot be determined



Bianca, Mohit, Tarun, Renuka, Kavita, Hemant and Dipali are travelling in a train compartment with III-tier
sleeper berth. Each of them has a different profession of Engineer, Doctor, Architect, Pharmacist,
Lawyer, Journalist and Pathologist. They occupied two lower berths, three middle berths and two upper
berths. Bianca, the Engineer, is not on the upper berth. The Architect is the only other person who
occupies the same type of berth as that of Bianca. Mohit and Hemant are not on the middle berth and
their professions are Pathologist and Lawyer respectively. Tarun is a Pharmacist. Dipali is neither a
Journalist nor an Architect. Kavita occupies the same type of berth as that of the Doctor. Renuka
doesn't like journalism.
Which of the following combinations of person-berth-profession is correct?



There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject.
Which of the following groups has History as the compulsory subject?









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