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 Logical Reasoning 


I was facing west. I turned 125^0 in the clockwise direction and 10^0 in the anticlockwise direction.
Which direction am I facing


Answer the question based on the given information. Passage: X, Y, Z, P and R are sitting in a row in front
of a camera. X is on the left of the person sitting in the centre, but is on the right of Y. Z is on the right of
P and R is on the right of z. R is the second person from the person sitting in the centre. Who is between
X and Z?
Data in adequate
None of the above




Choose the right answer Choose the odd man out.



The question consists of a problem question followed by two statements 1 and 2. Find out if the
information given in the statements is sufficient in finding the solution to the problem. Problem
question: Vikas ranks 9th in the class. How many students are there in the class? Statements: 1).His
friend got the 35th rank which is the last rank. 2).His rank from the last is 27th.Z’.
Statement (1) alone is suf
Statement (2) alone is suf
Both statements put together are suf
Both the statements even put together are not suf
Either of the statements is suf



Answer the question based on the given information. Passage: X, Y, Z, P and R are sitting in a row in front
of a camera. X is on the left of the person sitting in the centre, but is on the right of Y. Z is on the right of
P and R is on the right of Z. R is the second person from the person sitting in the centre. Which pairs is X
sitting between ?
P and Z
P and R
Y and P
Y and Z



Passage: There are 2 questions based on the same data. Answer the question based on the given
information: A marketing company requires a qualified engineer with a management degree. The
candidate must: 1).Be a graduate with at least 55% marks 2).Hold in an MBA degree with a minimum of
50% marks. 3).Have secured at least 55% marks in Sr. secondary examination . This condition will be
relaxed up to 5% if the candidate has two years experience of working with a reputed company.
4).Should have at least one year’s experience as an engineer. 5).If he/she fulfills all other conditions
except (4) but has an additional diploma in computers or I.T. his/her case is to be referred to the
general manager. 6).If he/she fulfills all other conditions but has marketing degree instead of the
condition given at (3) his/her case is to be referred to the managing Director 7).Not be of age greater
than 30 years. Can the given candidate be selected? Hari Rai is a 27 years old B.Tech . Graduate from I.P
University. He has also done MBA from IIM Indore. He secured 65% marks in his nsr. Secondary
examination . He has been working with a reputed engineering company, Chennai for the last 3 years.
The candidate is to be selected
The candidate is not to be selected
Insufficient data



Based on the given passage FIND out which of the following statements can be inferred from the
passage According to a recent study, in the local municipal elections, the candidates who interacts
more with the Resident’s welfare Associations and wins their trust will get maximum name recognition in
the elections
Local Resident’s Welfare Associations are the most important factor in the elections in the city
Maximum name recognition will help a candidate win a higher percentage of votes cast during the
Resident’s Welfare associations exert a lot of influence over the voting population residing in the
For maximum name recognition a candidate need not spend a lot of money on posters, banners
and advertising compaign



Choose the answer option that arranges the given set of words in the ‘most’ meaningful order. The
words when put in order should make logical sense according to size, quality, quantity, occurrence of
events , values, appearance, nature, process etc. QUESTION:
1. Earn
2. Shopping
3. Boy
4. Money
5. Job



Given signs signify something and on that basis, assume the given statements to be true
andfind which of the two conclusions I and ll is/are definitely true. A+B means A is greater than B A-B
means A is equal to B A=B means A is not equal to B AB means A is greater than equal to B A/B means A
is not less than equal to B QUESTION: Statements: A/BC=D Conclusions I.B-D II.B=D
Only conclusion I is true
Only conclusion II is true
Either conclusion I or II is true
Neither conclusion I nor II is true



Introducing a man, a woman said, “He is the husband of my mother’s daughter”. How is the woman
related to the man?
None of these



From the given anagrams select the odd one out



Select the right option from the given alternatives. 985 : 874 :: 763 : ?



The question consists of a problem question followed by two statements 1 and 2. Find out if the
information given in the statements is sufficient in finding the solution to the problem. Problem
question: Out of five parties, which party won the election? Statements: 1).Party ‘X’ got the least
number of votes. 2).Party ‘Y’ got hundred more votes than party ‘Z’.
Statement (1) alone is suf
Statement (2) alone is suf
Both statements put together are suf
Both the statements even put together are not suf
Either of the statements is suf



Sagar walks 30 meters west and takes a left turn to walk 10 meters, then takes left turn again and walks
40 meters, and takes another left turn and walks 20 meters. In which direction is he standing now from
the starting point?


 Quantitative Aptitude 


Product of two numbers is 9,152 and their HCF is 8.what is the LCM of the numbers


In a non-leap year, what is the probability that the last day of the year starts with a ‘T’?



A cow and a horse are bought for Rs. 2,50,000. The cow is sold at a profit of 15% and the horse is sold at
a loss of 15%. The overall gain is Rs. 22,500. The cost price of the cow is



n(n2-1) is always divisible by:



What is the probability of getting an even sum of score in a throw of 2 dice ?



Three employees and four intems can complete a task in 8 days . While four employees and three in
terms can do the same work in 8 1/3 days . In how many days can two employees and one intem do the
17 1/3 days
3 2/3 days
3 1/6 days
20 days



The total combinations of picking 3 balloons from a packet of 25 balloons are:



Statements: A > B, B ≥ C, C < D Conclusions: I. A > C II. A = C
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II true
Neither I nor II is true
Both I and II are true


9. 2



Length and breadth of a rectangle are directly proportional. If length increases from 6 cm to 21 cm and if
breadth now is 14 cm, then what was the breadth before any change in length occurred?
4 cm
1.5 cm
3 cm
2 cm



The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. the number of such pairs is



For the post of 2 receptionists, there are 12 equally qualified candidates. In how many ways can they be
selected ?



Four bells begin to toll together and then each one at intervals of 6,7,8,and 9 seconds respectively. The
number of times they will toll together in the next 2 hours is:



Express the fraction 26/17 as a number up to 3 decimal points.


15.  1



The number of ways in the letters of the word “RESULT” can be arranged without repetition is


 Computer Programming 


A data type is stored as a 6 bit signed integer. Which of the following cannot be represented by this
data type?



What would this function print if the Linked List given below is passed to it?
Head-> 5 -> 1 -> 8 -> 9 -> 12 -> NULL
void fun1(struct node* head)
if(head == NULL){
printf("%d ", head->data);
1 5 9 8 12
5 1 8 9 12
12 5 1 8 9

12 9 8 1 5



What is the height of the binary search tree (the height is the maximum distance of a leaf node from the
root) if the following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in the given order: 15, 9, 4,
18, 1, 20, 3, 2.



We define some functions as given below:
push( int x ) : This pushes the number x into a predefined Stack 'S'.
pop(): This pops out (delete) the last element in the Stack 'S'.
top( ) : Returns the number on the top of the Stack ‘S’.
Now a function “fun( )” is implemented using these three functions.
What will be the output of the function given below?
void fun( )
int i=1,j=0;
{ for(j=0;j<i;j++)
push( i );
push( i*i );
int k;
printf("%d ", top());
} }


1 4 9 16 25



The datatype is stored as 6 bit an unsigned integer. Which of the following can’t be represented by this



What is the worst case time complexity for search, insert and delete operations in a general Binary
Search Tree?
O(log n) for search, and O(n) for insert and delete
O(log n) for all
O(n) for all
O(log n) for search and insert, and O(n) for delete



An array is also known as ___
Sub-scripted variable
Collective array
Ordinary variable
Similar Quantities variable



Which of the following options is an exception to being a part of composite data types?



What traversal is used in Breadth First Search ( BFS ) in tree data structure?
Inorder Traversal
Preorder Traversal
Level Order Traversal
Postorder Traversal



BIOS is used?
By operating system
By compiler
By interpreter
By application software



Which is used to convert source code to target language



Suppose ‘L’ is the number of leaf nodes in a rooted tree of n nodes.Each of the node of this tree is
having 0 or 3 children. What is L?
( n-1 )/3
( n-1 )/2
( 2n+1 )/3





The program is to find if a number is prime or not. Analyze the following program and complete the
missing lines of code.
Input Format
A positive number
Output Format
Corresponding output


int fun(int,int);
int main()
int i,j,n,c;
 printf("not prime");
return 0;
int fun(int a,int i)
    return 1;
      return 0;
      return fun(a,i-1);



Find logical error in the factorial of a given number.
Rewrite and execute the code after correcting the logic.
Input Format
A positive number.
Output Format
Corresponding output.


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   long int fact = 1, n, i;
scanf("%ld", &n);
   for(i =1; i <= n; i++)
fact = fact * i;
printf("%ld", fact);
return 0;





Check for syntax error/ logical error and correct the error to get the desired output.
Given n, print from n to 0.
Input Format
Positive integer.
Output Format
Corresponding output.


int main()
 int n;
 scanf("%d", &n);
  int i = n;
  while(i >= 0)
 printf("%d\n", i);
 return 0;



Given a program to print names of colors according to the given input character.
The code has logical errors in it.
Your task is to fix the code so that it passes all the test cases
Input Format
Enter an alphabet.
Output Format
Corresponding output


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
 char ch;
 scanf("%c", &ch);//error
 if(ch=='r' || ch=='R')
 else if(ch=='g' || ch=='G')
 else if(ch=='b' || ch=='B')
 printf("Invalid Input");
 return 0;



Find the greatest of three numbers.
Execute the code after correcting the syntax error.
Input Format
Enter three positive integers.
Output Format
Greatest integer.

int main()
 int num1, num2, num3;
  scanf("%d %d %d", &num1,&num2,&num3);//error
 if ((num1 > num2) && (num1 > num3))//error
 printf("%d", num1);
 else if (num2>num3)
 printf("%d", num2) ;
 printf("%d", num3);
 return 0;



Modify the given program by debugging the errors to print the numbers on displayed in sample test


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i,j,rows;
for(i=rows; i>=0; i--)//error
for(j=1; j<=i; ++j)//error
return 0;




Modify the below code by debugging the errors to get the output displayed in sample output 

int add(int a,int b,int c,int d)//error
return a+b+c+d;//error
int main()
int m,n,o,p,q,x,y;
scanf("%d %d %d %d",&m,&n,&o,&p);
printf("Sum of %d,%d,%d and %d is %d",m,n,o,p,q);



Write an essay on the below topic as per the directions given
"He who never learned to be obedient can’t be a good leader"
1. Please express your opinion on the given topic in 220-250 words. You advised adhering to the
word limit to avoid any scoring penalty.
2. Common grammatical rules, punctuation should be according to standard English

Obedience is behavior that's respectful and mindful of rules and laws. Obedience is highly admired ,appreciated and valued everywhere. It is not an obligation ,it is a choice .Being obedient is not giving up one's choice or opinion ,it is humbling yourself to your superior figure .Obedience differs from compliance, which is behavior influenced by peers, and from conformity, which is behavior intended to match that of the majority.The satisfaction from obeying a superior’s orders can be self fulfilling and self disciplining; both of which make for a mature adult.And only a mature person can be a good leader because maturity helps in making good decisions , comprehend issues rightly and dealing with difficult situations effectively,all of which a good leader or commander must be able to do.

If there is anything common to every great leader in the world is that they all have been obedient in their life .Aristotle said "He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander".The statement means to highlight the importance of being obedient in order to become a good leader. No great leader in the world has become great without being punctual,honest,disciplined and dutiful ,all of which are the inseparable characteristic of obedience .The best of leaders are those who have learned to lead by taking on the strengths and characteristics of other great leaders.Obedience bring discipline in life which in turn makes a person dutiful towards his job .And dutifulness and discipline are the two key characteristics of a leader . The morale of the group led by a leader depend upon the leader it is led by.The decisiveness and dutifulness of a leader toward his job are the strength of his army or group. A leader can't lead his group or army without the submission of his supporters or people under him to his command and directions




Select the option that is most nearly opposite to the given word ENFORCE ( OPPOSITE)


Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The Stratosphere, speciFICALLY the lower Stratosphere has, it seems, been dying out. Water vapour is a
greenhouse gas, and the cooling effect on the Earth climate due to this desiccation may account for a
fair bit of the slowdown in the rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. The
stratosphere sits on top of the Troposphere, the lowest, densest layer of the atmosphere. The
boundary between the two, the Tropopause, is about 18 km above your head, if you are in the tropics,
and a few kilometers lower if you are at higher latitudes ( or up a mountain ). In the Troposphere, the air
at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and
often moist air below is endlessly buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates
clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere, the air gets warmer at
higher altitudes, which provides stability.The Stratosphere-which extends up to about 55 km, where
the Mesosphere begins, is made even less weather-prone by the absence of water vapour, and thus of
the clouds and precipitation to which it leads. This is because the top of the Troposphere is normally
very cold, causing ascending water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than
continuing up into the Stratosphere. A little water manages to get past this cold trap. But as Dr
Solomon and her colleagues note, satellite measurements show that rather less has been doing so over
the past ten years than was the case previously. Plugging the changes in water vapor into a climate
model that looks at the way different substances absorb and emit infrared radiation, they conclude
that between 1000 and 2009 a drop in the Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million
slowed the rate of warming at the Earth surface by about 25%. Such a small change in Stratospheric
water vapour can have a large effect precisely because the Stratosphere is already dry. It is the relative
change in the amount of a greenhouse gas, not its absolute level, which determines how much warming
it can produce
What in the passage has been cited as the main reason affecting global temperatures ? . 

Drop in stratospheric water vapor of less than one part per million


They were going home when it was starting to rain
When it started to rain
When it was raining
When it is starting to rain
No change



Read the following passage and answer the following questions: The Stratosphere, speciFICALLY the
lower Stratosphere has, it seems, been dying out. Water vapour is a greenhouse gas, and the cooling
effect on the Earth climate due to this desiccation may account for a fair bit of the slowdown in the
rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. The stratosphere sits on top of the
Troposphere, the lowest, densest layer of the atmosphere. The boundary between the two, the
Tropopause, is about 18 km above your head, if you are in the tropics, and a few kilometers lower if you
are at higher latitudes ( or up a mountain ). In the Troposphere, the air at higher altitudes is in general
cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and often moist air below is endlessly
buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates clouds, storms and much of the rest
of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere, the air gets warmer at higher altitudes, which provides
stability.The Stratosphere-which extends up to about 55 km, where the Mesosphere begins, is made
even less weather-prone by the absence of water vapour, and thus of the clouds and precipitation to
which it leads. This is because the top of the Troposphere is normally very cold, causing ascending
water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than continuing up into the
Stratosphere. A little water manages to get past this cold trap. But as Dr Solomon and her colleagues
note, satellite measurements show that rather less has been doing so over the past ten years than was
the case previously. Plugging the changes in water vapor into a climate model that looks at the way
different substances absorb and emit infrared radiation, they conclude that between 1000 and 2009 a
drop in the Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million slowed the rate of warming at
the Earth surface by about 25%. Such a small change in Stratospheric water vapour can have a large
effect precisely because the Stratosphere is already dry. It is the relative change in the amount of a
greenhouse gas, not its absolute level, which determines how much warming it can produce. What is
the order of layers in the atmosphere, starting from the lowermost and going to the topmost ? 

Troposhere , Tropopause , Stratosphere , Mesosphere


As per the recent ethical rules laid down by National institute of Health, diseases which can not be
treated __ would qualify for treatment involving human gene manipulation


In the question, a part of the sentence is italicized. Alternatives to the italicized part are given which
may improve the construction of the sentence . Select the correct alternative People working in high
positions in companies tend to shifting their work burden by delegating tasks to their subordinates.
Tend for shifting their work
Tend to shift their work
Tend as to shifting their work
No improvement needed


A. The valuation of the stock deal was Rs 342 crore
B. Monsanto today announced that it had acquired three companies
C. The acquisition comprised a stock deal
D. The proposal was also approved by its parent company in the USA.


Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The Stratosphere, speciFICALLY the lower Stratosphere has, it seems, been dying out. Water vapour is a
greenhouse gas, and the cooling effect on the Earth climate due to this desiccation may account for a
fair bit of the slowdown in the rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. The
stratosphere sits on top of the Troposphere, the lowest, densest layer of the atmosphere. The
boundary between the two, the Tropopause, is about 18 km above your head, if you are in the tropics,
and a few kilometers lower if you are at higher latitudes ( or up a mountain ). In the Troposphere, the air
at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and
often moist air below is endlessly buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates
clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere, the air gets warmer at
higher altitudes, which provides stability.The Stratosphere-which extends up to about 55 km, where
the Mesosphere begins, is made even less weather-prone by the absence of water vapour, and thus of
the clouds and precipitation to which it leads. This is because the top of the Troposphere is normally
very cold, causing ascending water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than
continuing up into the Stratosphere. A little water manages to get past this cold trap. But as Dr
Solomon and her colleagues note, satellite measurements show that rather less has been doing so over
the past ten years than was the case previously. Plugging the changes in water vapor into a climate
model that looks at the way different substances absorb and emit infrared radiation, they conclude
that between 1000 and 2009 a drop in the Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million
slowed the rate of warming at the Earth surface by about 25%. Such a small change in Stratospheric
water vapour can have a large effect precisely because the Stratosphere is already dry. It is the relative
change in the amount of a greenhouse gas, not its absolute level, which determines how much warming
it can produce
What accounts for the absence of water vapour in stratosphere ?

Before the vapour can rise up , it has to pass .....


Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The Stratosphere, speciFICALLY the lower Stratosphere has, it seems, been dying out. Water vapour is a
greenhouse gas, and the cooling effect on the Earth climate due to this desiccation may account for a
fair bit of the slowdown in the rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. The
stratosphere sits on top of the Troposphere, the lowest, densest layer of the atmosphere. The
boundary between the two, the Tropopause, is about 18 km above your head, if you are in the tropics,
and a few kilometers lower if you are at higher latitudes ( or up a mountain ). In the Troposphere, the air
at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and
often moist air below is endlessly buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates
clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere, the air gets warmer at
higher altitudes, which provides stability.The Stratosphere-which extends up to about 55 km, where
the Mesosphere begins, is made even less weather-prone by the absence of water vapour, and thus of
the clouds and precipitation to which it leads. This is because the top of the Troposphere is normally
very cold, causing ascending water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than
continuing up into the Stratosphere. A little water manages to get past this cold trap. But as Dr
Solomon and her colleagues note, satellite measurements show that rather less has been doing so over
the past ten years than was the case previously. Plugging the changes in water vapor into a climate
model that looks at the way different substances absorb and emit infrared radiation, they conclude
that between 1000 and 2009 a drop in the Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million
slowed the rate of warming at the Earth surface by about 25%. Such a small change in Stratospheric
water vapour can have a large effect precisely because the Stratosphere is already dry. It is the relative
change in the amount of a greenhouse gas, not its absolute level, which determines how much warming
it can produce. Why is the situation in the troposphere defined as unstable

Because of the interaction between warm and cool air ...


In the question each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentences are given in
the beginning. The middle four sentences have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P,Q,R
and S. select the proper order for the four sentences S1: Venice is a strange and beautiful city in the
north of Italy
S6: This is because Venice has no streets
P: There are about four hundred old stone bridges joining the island of Venice
Q: In this city there are no motor cars, no horses and no buses
R: These small islands are near one another
S: It is not an island but a hundred and seventeen islands




Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word IGNOBLESelect one:
produced by FIRE
given to Qtioning



In the question, a part of the sentence is italicized. Alternatives to the italicized part are given which
may improve the construction of the sentence . Select the correct alternative Get out of the building it
sound like the generator is going to explode.
It is sounding like the generator is going to explode
It sounds like the generator is going to explode
It sounds like generator exploded
No change











































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