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String - First and Last Pattern

 String - First and Last Pattern

The program must accept a string 5 as the input. The program must print the characters of the string based on the following conditions

in the 1 line the first and the last characters of the string S must be printed. -In the 2nd line, the first two and the last two characters of the string S must be printed in reverse ore

-In the 3 line the first three and the last three characters of the string S must be printed in reverse Similarly, the program must print the remaining lines as the output.

Boundary Condition(s):

2 <= Length of S <= 100

Input Format:

The first line contains

Output Format:

The first Llines each contains the characters of the string S based on the given conditions.

Example Input/Output 1:





aregn naroegna

gnaroegnar egnaroegnato


Here the length of the string orange is 6. So the pattern contains 6 lines.

De 1 and 6 characters)

ro eg (first 2 and last 2 characters in reverse order aro egn (first 3 and last 3 characters in reverse order)

naro egna (first 4 and last 4 characters in reverse order) gnaro egnar (first 5 and last 5 characters in reverse order) egnaro (first 6 and last 6 characters in reverse orden



#type in single line

 (lambda s:print(*list(map(lambda x:s[:x][::-1]+s[-x:][::-1],



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