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PBT | DAILY TEST | Seating Arrangement




 aerial photography of people sitting on gang chair




Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different colour, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is only son of E. All members live in different cities, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like WHITE. E
likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not
belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to Bhopal.
The family members who belongs to Ranchi likes neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in Patna
like RED. Who among the following likes BLUE? 

C or A
None of these


"A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor. Who among the following is a Cricketer?




Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different color, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is only son of E. All members live in different cities, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like WHITE. E
likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not
belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to Bhopal.
The family members who belongs to Ranchi likes neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in Patna
like RED. F's sister likes which color?





M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday. Who among the following works on Tuesday?



A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Manager. Who amongst the following works as an Asst. Manager?




Mayur, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering
in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Biotech and Electrical
not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also excel in one of the following games: Football,
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volley ball and Lawn Tennis again not necessarily in the same
order. Govind plays Hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and
plays Volleyball. Mayur studies Biotech and does not play either football or squash. The one who
studies chemical plays cricket. The one who plays football studies computer science. Nikhil plays
squash. Mohit plays badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not study chemical. What does Mayur

Lawn Tennis



A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Manager. Which of the following combinations of person, profession and organisation is correct?

MANI- Manager - HCL
PARU -Asst. Manager - IBM
LATHA -Asst. Manager - Infosys


Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different colour, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is only son of E. All members live in different cities, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like WHITE. E
likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not
belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to Bhopal.
The family members who belongs to Ranchi likes neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in Patna
like RED. The member who live in Ranchi like which colour?



M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday. Q does his work on which of the following days?




Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different colour, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is only son of E. All members live in different cities, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to the same city. C does not like WHITE. E
likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not
belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city as B. G does not belong to Bhopal.
The family members who belongs to Ranchi likes neither GREY nor RED. None of those who live in Patna
like RED. Who is sister in law of F?




M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday. Which of the following tasks is done by O?

Either (a) and (c)



There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. Who is a female member in the




There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. What is Charan compulsory



Mayur, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering
in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Biotech and Electrical
not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also excel in one of the following games: Football,
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volley ball and Lawn Tennis again not necessarily in the same
order. Govind plays Hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and
plays Volleyball. Mayur studies Biotech and does not play either football or squash. The one who
studies chemical plays cricket. The one who plays football studies computer science. Nikhil plays
squash. Mohit plays badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not study chemical. Who plays foot
ball ?




 Seven family members A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different colour, viz BLACK, RED, GREEN, WHITE, YELLOW,
BLUE and GREY. D is the sister of E. E is the only brother of D's sister F. F is the daughter of A. B is the
mother of D. C is the mother of G, who is only son of E. Got any questions? I'm happy tohelp.All
members live in different cities, but not necessarily in the same order. At least two members belong to
the same city. C does notlike WHITE. E likes WHITE and belongs to Patna. A belongs to Ranchi only with
E's wife. B likes BLACK but does not belong to Patna. F likes YELLOW but does not live in the same city
as B. G does not belong to Bhopal. The family members who belongs to Ranchi likes neither GREY nor
RED. None of those who live in Patna like RED. Which of the following groups live in Bhopal ?

B, D
A, B
Can't be determined


A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Manager. For which organisation does LATHA work?

Either HCL or Infosy



"A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor. Which of the following combinations is/are true?

I - Chennai - Married - Salesman
G - Delhi - Bachelor - Driver
H - Chennai - Bachelor - Pilot
L - Mumbai - Bachelor - Cricketer



A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Manager. What is the profession of JAY?

Asst. Manager
Software Developer
Cannot be determined



Mayur, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering
in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Biotech and Electrical
not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also excel in one of the following games: Football,
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volley ball and Lawn Tennis again not necessarily in the same
order. Govind plays Hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and
plays Volleyball. Mayur studies Biotech and does not play either football or squash. The one who
studies chemical plays cricket. The one who plays football studies computer science. Nikhil plays
squash. Mohit plays badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not study chemical. What does
Govind study?




Mayur, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering
in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Biotech and Electrical
not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also excel in one of the following games: Football,
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volley ball and Lawn Tennis again not necessarily in the same
order. Govind plays Hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and
plays Volleyball. Mayur studies Biotech and does not play either football or squash. The one who
studies chemical plays cricket. The one Got any questions? I'm happy to help.who plays football studies
computer science. Nikhil plays squash. Mohit plays badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not
study chemical.What does Nikhil study?




There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. Which of the following has same
compulsory and optional subjects as those of Fasi’s?




There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. Which of the following groups has
History as the compulsory subject?





M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday. On which of the following days does P do his work?





A group of seven friends Mani, Latha, Jay, Sai, Arun, Paru and Anusha, work as Manager, Asst. Manager,
Software Developer, GET, Quality Analyst, DBA and BDO for organisations Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Wipro,
IBM, Accenture and Infosys, but not necessarily in the same order. Jay works for TCS and is neither a
BDO nor a DBA. Arun is a Quality Analyst and works for Accenture. Mani works as Manager and does not
work for Cognizant or IBM. The one who is an Asst. Manager works for HCL. The one who works for
Cognizant works as a GET. Paru works for IBM. Anusha works for Wipro as a BDO. Sai is not an Asst.
Manager. What is the profession of the person who works for Infosys?

Asst. Manager




M, N, O, P and Q are five professionals working in same MNC. All of them works in different department,
viz, IT, Admin, Marketing, Account and HR. They do these works on a particular day in a week from
Monday to Friday. Q does not work on Tuesday and does not work in Admin. N works in Marketing but
does not work on Monday or Friday. The person who works in Account works on Thursday. O does his
work on Wednesday but he is not Admin. The person who works in IT works on Friday but not by P. M
does his work on Monday. Which of the following combinations is true?

N - Marketing - Tuesday
P - Account - Monday
Q - HR - Wednesday
M - Admin - Friday




There are six persons Abhi, Bhuvi, Charan, Gana, Eshwar and Fasi in a school. Each of the teachers
teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. Gana optional subject
was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. Eshwar and Fasi have Physics as one of
their subjects. Fasi compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both Charan
and Eshwar. History and English are Abhi subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects,
they are just reverse of those of Gana. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only
female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. Disregarding which is the
compulsory and which is the optional subject, who has the same two subject combinations as Fasi?




Mayur, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering
in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Biotech and Electrical
not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also excel in one of the following games: Football,
Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volley ball and Lawn Tennis again not necessarily in the same
order. Govind plays Hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and
plays Volleyball. Mayur studies Biotech and does not play either football or squash. The one who
studies chemical plays cricket. The one who plays football studies computer science. Nikhil plays
squash. Mohit plays badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not study chemical. Which of the
following games does Avinash play




"A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor. Who among the following is denitely not married?


All of the above are married



A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor. The one who is a Driver lives in which of the following cities?

Can't be determined

None of the above



 "A man has six sons G, H, I, J, K and L. Each has a different profession, viz Cricketer, Driver, Pilot,
Accountant, Salesman and Lawyer, but not necessarily in the same order. They live in four different
cities. Three of them are married. J, who lives in Mumbai, is a Lawyer. The one who is a Cricketer is a
bachelor. Two of them live in Kolkata and they are Pilot and the Accountant. One of the two who lives in
Mumbai is married. Two of the bachelors live in Kolkata and Delhi. The Driver has only one son. The
Salesman lives in Chennai. K is the Accountant and is married. L and G live in Mumbai and Delhi
respectively. H is a pilot and bachelor. I live in which of the following cities?

Either (a) or (b)

Either (b) or (d)






























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