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Brackets Pattern

Brackets Pattern

man siting facing laptop

The program must accept an intager within a pair of brackets as the input The pair of brackam can be any one of the following four types T Parenthes

Square brackets

Curly brackets

Andle bracketbo The program met print the given tractats i Nes back on the following conditions in based on

in the Te only the pair of brachies must be pred the bracks and one part bradat must be printed the inn 3 el 2 inel neted brackets and one pair of brackets must be pr


in the aime 4 level 3 st 2 Invel nested bracks and one pair of brackers me Smary the remaining in matbe pred at the outpu

Boundary Condition

Argut Format

The feeling contains within a prof bracket

Output Format

the fine lines contain the bracka pem based on the gen condition

Example Input/Outpu


and H-A and the type of the bran So the parent are pati bet on the given conditions




s = input().strip()
n = int(s[1:-1])
o,c = s[0],s[-1]
p = [o+c]
for i in range(n):


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