Coding | Mcqs | Multiple choice questions | Informative | Computer Science | Engineering | Aptitude | Quants | Verbal


C Starter Part -1


1.C - WU - Add Two Integers (Format Specifier) (Id-5418);


scanf("%d %d",&A,&B); 


2.C - WU - Product Two Integers (Scanf Args) :

scanf("%d %d",&A,&B); 


 3.C - WU - Remainder Two Integers (Printf Args) :



4.C - WU - Quotient Two Integers (Declaration)

int A,B;


5.C - WU - Three Integers - Sum and Product (Printf Args)



6.C - WU - Print Number (scanf Args)



7.C - WU - Three Integers - Subtract and Multiplies(Declaration)

int A,B,C;


8.C - WU - Multiply the Number with 2(printf Args)



9.C - WU - Three Integers - Sum and Divides(Format Specifier)

scanf("%d %d %d",&A,&B,&C);


10.C - WU -Half of the Number (printf Args)



16.C - WU - Four Integers - Quotient of Sum (Scanf Args)

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


 int A, B, C, D;

 printf("%d", (C+A)/(B+D));



17.  C - WU - Print Yes - Both Integers are Odd (Condition)


int main()


 int A,B;










18. C - WU - Four Integers - Product of Sum (Scanf Args)

 scanf("%d %d %d %d",&C,&B,&A,&D);


19. C - WU - Print Yes - One of Two Integers is Odd

if(A%2!=0 || B%2!=0)


20.   C - WU - Larger Integer (Condition) 



21.  C - WU - Print Yes - At Least one of the Two Integers is Even

if(A%2==0 || B%2==0)


22.  C - WU - Four Integers - Subtraction of Products (Scanf Args)

 scanf("%d %d %d %d",&C,&A,&D,&B);


23.  C - WC - Print skill or rack (Error Identification)

int main()
 char ch;
 case 's':
 return 0;



24. C - WU - Four Integers - Quotient of Sum (Scanf Args)

scanf("%d %d %d %d",&D,&A,&C,&B);


25.  C - WU - Four Integers - Sum of Product (Scanf Args)


scanf("%d %d %d %d,&C,&A,&B,&D);


26. C - WU - Four Integers - Sum of Product and Quotient (Scanf Args)

scanf("%d %d %d %d,&C,&A,&B,&D);


27. C - WU - Four Integers - Subtraction of Quotients (printf Args)



28. C - WU - Print String (Declaration)

char S[100];


29. C - WU - Four Integers - Sum of Remainders (printf Args)



30. C - WU - Print 5 and 3

int i=3;


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