Coding | Mcqs | Multiple choice questions | Informative | Computer Science | Engineering | Aptitude | Quants | Verbal


mpmc mcq

Unit 1

Microprocessor is a CPU on a single IC containing millions of very small components including

all the above

8008 is _____ bit microprocessor , invented in _____ year

8 bit , 1972

—Based on the application of the processor, microprocessor are classified as

all the above

word and double word indicates


Identification number for memory locations indicates


square wave used to synchronize various devices in Îœp indicates _______

clock cycle

Memory Capacity = 2^n , where n indicates

address lines

—The 8086 architecture illustrates the implementation of ___________pipelining in instruction execution


EU-takes the instruction from___________ and executes it


8086 has _________ operating modes


address bus and data bus capability of 8086 processor is


8086 requires one phase clock with a _____  duty cycle


Clock frequency OF 8086 microprocessor is _______

5 MHz

Segment register of 8086 are


8086 has ____________ instruction queue

6 byte

__________ physical memory is divided into four segments , in 8086

1 MB

Each segment has memory space of __________

64 KB

The part of memory from where BIU is currently fetching instruction code bytes is the function of _______ segement


which segment register is Used for storing data values to be used in the program

extra and data 

A section of memory set aside to store addresses and data while a subprogram executes is the function of _______ segement


BIU stores these ________ bytes in a _______ register called Instruction Queue

pre-fetched , FIFO

main components of EU are

all the above

EU has ______ general purpose registers it Can be individually  used for storing _________bit data


The valid register pairs are –


Which register , Provides indirect access to data in stack register

base pointer

Which unit , Generates timing and control signals to perform the internal operations of the microprocessor


EU has a _________ bit ALU

16 bit

flag register is also called as ___


flag register has _____ control flags and _____ status flags


___________ Specifies a rule for instruction before the operand is actually executed.

addressing mode

Operand addressing has ______ number of bits

20 bit

__________ specifies the operation to be performed in an instruction


_________ provides the data required for operation


size of integer , short integer , long integer is


group of bytes or group of words are called as ______________


there are ________ number of addressing modes in 8086


MOV CX,[BX] is an example for ____________ addressing mode

register indirect

MOV CL,[1200H] is an example for ____________ addressing mode


__________ are the symbolic codes for either instructions or commands to perform a particular function


___________ instruction Copies data from main memory in to register


__________instruction Copies data from register in to main memory


rotate through carry left is the full form of _________


_________ instruction stop the fetching and execution of the instructions


__________is connected to an external bus controller device, which then prevents any other processor from taking over the system


LENGTH and OFFSET belongs to which directives

both b & c

__________ assembler used in instructions to assign a specific type to a variable or a label


Modular programming requires extra ____________

time and memory

__________________is the repeatedly appearing small group of instructions 


__________ number of interrupts are divided in to 3 groups


Intel introduced the concept of memory segmentation ________________ microprocessor



The  signals of 8086 are grouped ____ categories


During 1st clock cycle _________ available on the (AD0-AD15).

either A or B

During remaining clock cycles other than 1st clock cycle ,  (AD0-AD15) lines contains _______

16 bit data

 High order address bus are multiplexed with ______

status signals

00 combination of S3 and S4 in status signals of 8086 indicates ______ segment register


11 combination of S3 and S4 in status signals of 8086 indicates ______ segment register


TEST  pin is used to check the status of math co-processor 


Reset, must be active for at least________clock cycles to reset the microprocessor.


INTR indicates

interrupt request signal

Address Latch Enable – indicates valid ________ is available on the address bus

16 bit address

which signal decides the direction of data flow through the transceiver


when DMA controller needs to use Address / Data  bus , it sends a request to the CPU through this pin.

both A & B

Pin 24 & 25 – QS1 & QS0 – provides the status of ________ .

instruction queue

Pin 24 & 25 – QS1 & QS0 , Can be used by _________devices to know the_________ status of the queue

external ,  internal

1 & 0 combination of QS1 and QS0 indicates _____ operation

empty queue

When this pin goes low , all interrupts are masked and HOLD request is not granted.


Processing unit issues control signals required by memory and i/o devices through the pins __________


The control signals in minimum mode are generated_________  


clock generator chip set number is ________


address latch chip set number is ____________


Transceiver chip set number is ___________


The only difference in MIN and MAX mode lies in the ___________ used and the available control and advanced signals.

status signals

The time required by the microprocessor to complete an operation of accessing memory or input/output devices is called __________

machine cycle

A bus cycle takes , ______ states

4 T

EU and BIU will be working _________


The only other instant EU waits for BIU is when BIU is executing ___________ access for EU.

data memory

in MAX mode , the status signals will be active for ______ cycle and inactive for next ______ cycles

2 T , 2 T

Based on the status signals these operations will be executed

all the above

A set of __________used for communicating the information between the components is called Bus


If a bus connects two minor components within a major components, it is called as ____________

internal bus

If a bus connects two major components, like CPU and an interface, it is called as _____________

external bus

Drivers and receivers are used when several interfaces are connected to ____________

address and data bus

Latches are used to___________time multiplexed signals  


_______ are used for synchronizing the signals

both A & B

The 8086 can be interfaced to 8 – and 16-bit I/O devices using either

all the above

The standard I/O uses the instructions IN and OUT and is capable of providing_________ of I/O ports

 64K bytes

In 8086, all programmed communications with the I/O ports is done by the________ instructions 

 IN and OUT

What are all belongs to I/O contents

all the above

In ______ operation The CPU issues a command then waits for I/O operations to be complete.

programmed I/O

The CPU, while waiting, must repeatedly check the ________ of the I/O module, and this process is known as _________

status , polling

If interrupt occurs , then Pushing the current content of  ___________ onto the stack will takes place 

all the above

The identification of the device requesting service can be done by__________

both A & B

Polling is a __________ mechanism, by which devices are serviced in sequential order


Direct Memory Access needs a special hardware called ______


Maximum mode of 8086 is designed to implement __________basic multiprocessor configurations:


The coprocessor shares _________ with 8086 microprocessor

all the above

Coprocessor and the processor is connected via __________ pin

all the above

Communication between the host and the independent processor is done through ________

memory space.

It consists of the number of modules of the microprocessor based systems , which are connected through a common _________

system bus.

80186 has the address and data bus capability of



8086 has ______address lines


Memory capacity of 8086 is ________.

220= 1MB

The memory addresses are ranginging from ____________.

00000 to FFFFF H

Memory is divided into ____________ banks.


Each memroy loacation strores ____________byte of data


BHE and _____ is used to select odd and even banks


Primary function of memory interfacing is that the _________ should be able to read from and write into register  


To perform any operations, the Mp should identify the __________


The Microprocessor places __________ address on the address bus

16 bit

The Microprocessor places 16 bit address on the add lines from that address by ______ register should be selected


The ________of the memory chip will identify and select the register for the EPROM

 internal decoder

Microprocessor provides signal like ____ to indicate the read operation  


Group A comprises ____________

Port A and Port C Upper and Port B and Port C Lower

Control register is selected when A0 and A1 is


BSR mode is set When D7 is___________


Programmable peripheral input-output port is other name for _____.

parallel input-output port

Port C of 8255 can function independently as ___.

either input or output ports

All the functions of the ports of 8255 are achieved by programming the bits of an internal register called _________.

control word register

The data bus buffer is controlled by ______.

read/write control logic

The input provided by the microprocessor to the read/write control logic is _______.

all of the mentioned

Which mode is used for single handshake in 8255:

mode 1

Which chip is used for AD&DA converters to interface with  8086 processor __________.


Parity error  is to _____________.

Error if partity bit doesnot match in rx or tx

Over run error occurs ______________.

if Microprocessor fails to character loaded in receiver buffer

Framing error is __________

if stop bit is not detected

In mode word ASYN mode stop bit is used to ______

No of stop bits

In mode word 01 indicates ________

odd parity

In mode word 11 indicates ________

even parity

The registers that store the keyboard and display modes and operations programmed by CPU are 

control and timing registers

The sensor RAM acts as 8-byte first-in-first-out RAM in

keyboard and strobed input mode

The registers that holds the address of the word currently being written by the CPU from the display RAM are

display address registers

When a key is pressed, a debounce logic comes into operation in

scanned keyboard mode with 2 key lockout

In keyboard/ Display mode set command to Encoded scan keyboard - 2 key lockout is _____.

0 0 0

Maximum size of the keyboard matrix is _______


NMI stands for

nonmaskable interrupt;

The register that stores all the interrupt requests in it in order to serve them one by one on priority basis is

 Interrupt Request Register

The register that stores the bits required to mask the interrupt inputs is

 Interrupt Mask register

. To complete a DMA transfer, a memory to memory transfer requires

a read-from and write-to memory cycle

ADC conversion involves


Traffic light signal is connected through


Alarm controller is interfaced to 8086 using

8255, 8254

Which mode of 8254 is used for counter1 in alarm controller

mode 0

8255 is ______ pin IC.


8255 has _______ ports


In the I/O mode, the 8255 ports work as

programmable I/O ports

In BSR mode, only port C can be used to ___.

set and reset individual ports

The 8254 operating at ________ modes.


In 8254,Mode 1 is for__________

Hardware retriggerable one shot

In 8254,Mode 2 is for_________.

Rate generator

In 8254,Mode 3 is for _________-.

Square wave generator


The architecture of 8051 consists of

all of the mentioned

A micro controller at-least should consist of:

CPU,RAM, ROM, I/O devices, serial and parallel ports and timers

8051 series has how many 16 bit registers?


When the micro controller executes some arithmetic operations, then the flag bits of which register are affected?


On power up, the 8051 uses which RAM locations for register R0- R7


8051 has ____ bit timers


8051 has an __________ number of external intrrupt sources


8051 has an __________ number of internal intrrupt sources


8051 has total number of register bank is ___


all the units of the 8051 communicate through an ____ bit internal data bus


B register is used for the operation ____

both b&c

PSW has about ___ flag and register


stack is an area of internal RAM address which act as ___________


DPTR is used to fetch the data from ________ memory .


the 8051 access the external memory when EA pin is _______-


the 8051 provides ________- eight bit parallel I/O ports


in timer mode count rate is ______ of the oscillator frequency


8051 provides one serial port which can operate as _________

full duplex

8051 has an ____ chip clock osscilator


port 2 lines are used as a ____ order address lines


8051 provides ___ROM


8051 provides_______ RAM withint the chip


8051 provides _____ external program and data memory


the internal memory can be accessed using an ___ bit address


the external memory can be accessed using an ___ bit address


The 128 bytes of internal RAM is divided into ____ blocks


the 8051 has four banking register with address ranging from ____________


the address of individual bits range from _


the memory space _______ is used as general purpose scratch pad memory .


internal ROM th eaddress ranginf from _______-


the 8051 provides _____ of external data memory


the 8051 provides _____ of external program memory


The register that may be used as an operand register is

Accumulator and B register

The register that can be used as a scratch pad is

B register

The registers that contains the status information is

program status word

What is the address range of SFR Register bank? 


"Which pin of port 3 is has an alternative function as write control signal for

external data memory? "


 After reset, SP register is initialized to address________.


TMOD is used to configure the _ 16bit timer


address of PCON is___H


The address fo TMOD register is _______.


TH1 is ________.

Timer / Counter 1 High byte

The instruction, RLA performs  

rotation of accumulator to left

The instruction, ADD A, #100 performs  

100(decimal) is added to contents of accumulator

The instruction, ADD A, R7 is an example of

 register instructions

The logical instruction that affect the carry flag during its execution is


The instruction that is used to complement or invert the bit of a bit addressable SFR is


The mnemonic DJNZ stands for ___.

Decrement and Jump if not 0.

The other name for flag register


Find the CY and AC flag bits for the followinng codes     MOV A, 0C2H         ADD A, #3DH

CY= 1 & AC = 1


How many bits are there in intel 8051 timer


What is the clock source for the timers?

from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

What is the frequency of the clock that is being used as the clock source for the timer?

controller’s crystal frequency /12

What is the function of the TMOD register?

TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate modes

TF1, TR1, TF0, TR0 bits are of which register?


"What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW


88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H

Which special function register play a vital role in the timer/counter mode selection process by allocating the bits in it?


Which bit must be set in TCON register in order to start the 'Timer 0' while operating in 'Mode 0'? TR0

The timer register is incremented once every osc/32 standard mode


What is the bit transmitting or receiving capability of mode 1 in serial communication?


 Which serial modes possess the potential to support the multi-processor type of communication?

Modes 2 & 3

Reception of the stop bit sets the _____ flag


If ITO-IT1=0 ----> hardware interrupt are _____

level triggered

If ITO-IT1=1 ----> hardware interrupt are _____

edge triggered

When two interrupts occur simultaneously the ______________ priority interrupt will be serviced first.


The interrupt priority are fixed by a __________ register


If a bit =0 in IP register the corresponding interrupt has a _____ priority


full duplex mode allows data communication  in ____ direction


In mode 1 , _____ is used to generate variable baud rate

timer 1

The common anode is connected to ___ supply


All the key are open , _____ flag is set


In keyboard interfacing,columns are connected to the the output port called ______

scan lines

In keyboard interfacing,To interface a set of key is to use _____ apporach

line per key

In keyboard interfacing,When key is pressed ,the port line has ___ voltage level


In keyboard interfacing,To identify that which key is being pressed, we need to:

ground pins of the port one at a time

In keyboard interfacing,the spring action of the keys leads to ____ problem

key bounce

In keyboard interfacing,Multiple key press problem is commonly known as ______


D/A converters are generally

Binary ladder network

________________ is used as the multiplexed address/data bus

port 0

Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

A stepper motor is used that translates ___ into ____ movement

electric to mechanical

in stepper ____________ leads for stator winding


the _____ poles are detemined by the current sent through the wire coils


The timer register is incremented once every______ standard mode

osc /12

For timer operation ,c/T = ___ in TMOD


For counter operation ,c/T = ____ in TMOD


Timer in the 8051 is used as _____ can be programmed to count pulses from external devicces


Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous means of communication?

it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

What is the function of SCON register?

to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

The program access the memory location from __________ in the internal ROM


The ______ signal is used to activate output enable signal of the external ROM/EPROM to the _____ operation


The program access the memory location from __________ in the external ROM 


"This statement will set the address of the bit to 1 (8051 Micro-controller): 



Data transfer from I/O to external data memory can only be done with the MOVX command.


What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

ADC chip is interfaced with the 8051 through the ____

8255 PPL

port 1 lines of the 8051 are connected to the __ line of the ADC


__  lines provides the control signal ALE,OE.

port 0

ADC chip can be directly interfaced with the 8051 _____ ports


Why two pins for ground are available in ADC0804?

for controlling the analog and the digital pins of the controller


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