Coding | Mcqs | Multiple choice questions | Informative | Computer Science | Engineering | Aptitude | Quants | Verbal




UNIT 1 : 


1          GIS stands for  

Geographic Information System

2          GIS deals with which kind of data      

Spatial data

3          Which of the following statements is true about the capabilities of GIS      

All of the above

4          By ‘spatial data’ we mean data that has      

Positional values

5          What is ‘Metadata’ ? 

 It is ‘ data about data’

6          Key components of ‘spatial data’ quality include      

All of the above

7          ‘Spatial databases’ are also known as          


8          Successful spatial analysis needs       

All of the above

9          Which of the following is related to GIS         

Euclidean space

10        A (geographic) field is a geographic phenomena for which, for every point in the study area        

A value can be determined

11        The following are the examples of ‘geographic fields’         

 All of the above

12        Which of the following statements are true?

 Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true

13        Fields can be   

Discrete or continuous

14        Examples of ‘continuous fields’ are   

 All of the above

15        Which of the following is true about ‘Discrete fields’           

 All of the above

16        Which of the following is true about ‘Nominal Data Values’ 

All of the above

17        Which of the following is true about ‘Ordinal Data Values’  

Bothe ‘1’ & ‘2’

18        Which of the following is true about ‘Internal Data Values’

  All of the above

19        Which of the following is true about ‘ Ratio Data Values’     

All of the above

20        Which of the following is true 

All of the above

21        Interpolation is made possible by a principle called  

Spatial Autocorrelation

22        A ……………….. is a set of regularity spaced (and contiguous) cells with associated (field) values. The associated values represent call values, not point values. This means that the value for a cell is assumed to valid for all locations within the cell  


23        Which of the following is true 

Both ‘1’ & ‘2’

24        TIN stands for 

Triangulated Irregular Network

25        Which of the following is true about ‘Delaunay Triangulation’        

 Both ‘1’ & ‘2’

26        The ‘boundary model’ is sometimes also called       

 Topological data model

27        Which of the following relationships is correct         

All of the above

28        Which of the following belong to the eight spatial relationships?    

All of the above

29        Which of the following statements are true about the ‘temporal dimension’    

     All of the above

30        Which of the following is true?         

 All of the above

31        Which of the following are full-fledged GIS packages           

All of the above

32        A GIS package cannot be called full-fledged if the following capabilities are missing          

All of the above

33        SDI stands for 

Spatial Data Infrastructure

34        What are the various reasons for which DBMS is used        

 All of the above

35        Which of the following is true about DBMS 

  All of the above

36        A ‘data model’ is a language that allows the definition of     

All of the above

37        Which of the following statements is true    
All of the above

38        Which of the following statements is true in connection with a ‘tuple’        

All of the above

39        GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?     

  Spatial information system

40        Among the following ____________ can be expressed as an example of hardware component.   


41        Which of the following formats can be used for GIS output?           


42        Which among the following is not related to GIS software’s?        

   STAAD Pro

43        Among the following, which do not come under the components of GIS?  

44        Which of the following doesn’t determine the capability of GIS?   

  Transferring data

45        Which of the following acts a benefit of GIS?          

  Maintaining geo spatial data

46        Which among the following is a server based hardware platform of GIS?   


47        Understanding formal and informal methods of specifying “where”           


48        The ability to reason from knowledge of relative position    


49        Understanding the importance of connections        


50        Drawing inferences from spatial context is called     

Neighborhood and Region



51        Understanding spatial scale and its significance        


52        The implications of spatial variability is called          

             Spatial Heterogeneity

53        Understanding relationships across space is called   

  Spatial Dependence

54        Examples of vector data structures    

All of the above

55        Which among the following is not vector data structures?   

ArcInfo Grids

56        Examples of raster data structures   

 All of the above

57        Which among the following is not raster data structures?  

 ArcGIS Shape Files

58        ASCII coordinate data is example of  


59        CAD is example of ----- data. 


60        ArcGIS Shape Files is example of ----- data.  


61        ArcInfo Coverages is example of ----- data.    


62        ArcInfo Grids  is example of ----- data.          


63        Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)  is example of ----- data.   


64        Which models follows parent child relationship?      


65        Large index files can not maintained in this model.  


66        In this model the rigid structure of this model doesn’t allow alteration of tables.


67        "In  this model Records are connected

through pointers"      


68        In this model There is no connection between the elements at the same level.      


69        "This model captures relationships between objects using



70        A link is an association between two records 


71        This model  allows each record to have many parents          


72        "This model is allowing a natural model of relationships

between entities."      


73        too many relationships are easily implemented        


74        The model eliminated redundancy    


75        It enforces data integrity as a user must first define owner record  


76        A flat file structure is used with a relational database model           


77        The columns of a table are named by attributes       


78        No two rows of the same table may have identical values in all columns    


79        The manager or administrator does not have to be aware of any data structure or data pointer   


80        A few search commands in a relational database require more time to process compared with other database models.


81        An Object Oriented model uses functions to model spatial  

Object Oriented

82        Characteristics of  An Object Oriented model           

All of the above

83        Following characteistics is not An Object Oriented model    

Adhoc Queries

84        Following characteistics is An Object Oriented model         

 Generic Properties

85        semantic model is      

 Object Oriented

86        this model is usually managed by a spatial language 

Object Oriented

87        The elements of an ERD are: 

 All of the above

88        a conceptual and representational model is 

Object Oriented

89        Steps involved in creating an ERD include:    

All of the above

90        the number of instances of one entity that can, or must, be associated with each instance of another entity.   


91        Entities, attributes, and relationships are used to represent real-world features   

 real world features

92        It can be defined as verifiable facts  


93        It is data organized to reveal patterns, and to facilitate search.      


94        It can be organized in different ways, depending on the way they are collected     

Spatial data

95        It is a collection of inter-related data 

A database

96        characterized by attributes that are both spatial and non-spatial    

A database

97        It is difficult to extract from spatial data, unless the data are organized primarily by spatial attributes.   

 Spatial information

98        Spatial datas are         

All of the above

99        It  is characterized by the use of sequential points    


100      This  lines are often referred to as arcs and consist of a string of vertices    




101      This models incorporate the use of a grid-cell data structure           


102      The size of cells in a tessellated data structure is selected on the basis of the data accuracy         


103      data is most often used to represent graphic or pictorial data.       


104      Data can be represented at its original resolution and form without generalization           


105      Direction of travel is specified using numbers          

 Chain encoding

106      Stores a single value for a group of cells rather than storing values for individual cells       

Run length encoding

107      A raster is divided into a hierarchy of quadrants that are subdivided based on similar value pixels.          


108      Digital elevation model (DEM) is an example of a single-band raster dataset each cell       


109      the reduction of space, bandwidth, cost, transmission, generating time, and the storage of data.


110      Vector topological features    

All of the above

111      Information about linkages among spatial objects    


112      Information about neighbouring spatial object         


113      Information about inclusion of one spatial object within another spatial object     


114      Mechanical Scanner resoluation is     


115      Video camera  resoluation is  

500*500 pixel

116      CCD Camera resoluation is    

 up to 16000

117      CCD Scanner resoluation is   

  300-600 dpi

118      CRT is used by             

Video camera 

119      Digitization is done by drum, is called            

Mechanical Scanner 

120      digital still camera is called as

 CCD Camera 

121      Flat bed type or roll feed type scanner with linear CCD is used to digitization         

CCD Scanner

122      PC peripheral scaner is          

 Flat bed scanner

123      the most suitable type for inputting GIS data            

Large format feed scanner

124      Modes of data input   

All of the above

125      Data Input Techniques are    

 All of the above

126      single points are recorded one at a time, or in a stream mode         


127      Hard copy and soft copy is easily scanned by 

Automatic Scanning

128      calculation and entry of coordinates is called            

Coordinate Geometry

129      This binary format is a standard in the turnkey 

CAD market IGDS

130      ASCII format is used by the USGS as a distribution standard 


131      ASCII format is used primarily to convert to/from the Auto-cad       


132      A generic ASCII format for spatial data used by the ARC/INFO         


133      Raster data formats are         

 All of the above

134      ESRI file format used to store both discrete features           


135      cells values are integers, often code numbers           

discrete grid

136      its cell values are floating points.      

Continuous grid

137      The Grids workspace are        


138      The Grids workspace are        


139      hardcopy maps digitization is 

automatic digitization

140      "digitization is started by placing a point that marks the beginning of the feature

"          Point mode

141      the cursor is placed at the beginning of the feature a command is then sent to the computer     

 Stream mode

142      touching of land parcels, counties, and nation-states is called         


143      point lies inside rather than outside an area. 


144      "including junctions between streets, roads, railroads, and rivers (Very

common topological error."   


145      Topological File Formats        

 All of the above

146      Grid formats are       

  All of the above

147      ODBC is          


148      ODBC is using 


149      The GPS time signals use highly accurate atomic clocks.       

Clock synchronization

150      The device uses voice activation to describe a preferred route based on the position of the receiver      





151      Viewing phenomena as continuous in space-time or as discrete     

 Objects and Fields

152      A systematic examination of a problem or complex entity inorder to provide new information is  known


153      Common vector analysis tools are    


154      A region that is less than or equal to aspecified distance    


155      An Example of buffering       

  All of the above

156      The inward buffer for a polygon is called      


157      Which is used for neighborhood analysis which aims to evaluate the characteristics of the area?


158      Which is used to subset a point, line or a polygon theme using another polygon theme?  


159      Which causes  the  input  features  to  form  subset  of  multiple  output  feature  classes?           


160      Which one creates a new theme by overlaying two polygon themes?         


161      The output theme contains the combined polygons and attributes of both themes           


162      The output theme contains only the feature inside the intersecting polygons.      


163      Which tools let you select features and attributes in afeature classor table based on a query?     


164      In which tool The output features and attributes are stored in a feature class or table?     


165      In which toolset contains tools to overlay multiple feature classes to combine?     


166      In which  existing  sets  of  features into  a  single  set  of  features  to  identify  spatial  relationships  between  the  input features?          


167      In which toolset contains tools that are used to determine features within one or morefeature classesor between two feature classes?            


168      In which  toolset contains tools that perform standard analysis?     


169      The analysis is used to find the shortest alternated routes between origins to 

destination Netwok

170      Who will provide network based spatial analysis tools for solving complex routing problems ?     

Netwok Analyst

171      The position or the layout of the centre line of the highway on the ground is called the    


172      The basic requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are 

 All of the above

173      The basic requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are not       


174      Factor affecting Highway Alignments are      

All of the above

175      Factor affecting Highway Alignments are      

All of the above

176      Which factor is affecting Highway Alignments?        


177      Which factor is affecting Highway Alignments?         

Geometric design

178      Is Drainage affecting Highway Alignments?  


179      Which factor is affecting Highway Alignments?        


180      Steps for constructing new highway project 

All of the above

181      Steps for constructing new highway project 

All of the above

182      Steps for constructing new highway project 

All of the above

183      Which steps is not cover for constructing new highway project      


184      Which steps is not cover for constructing new highway project      

 Obligatory points

185      Which steps is not cover for constructing new highway project      


186      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Map study

187      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Reconnaissance Survey

188      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Preliminary survey

189      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Location of Final Alignment

190      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Detailed survey

191      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Material survey

192      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 

Earth work

193      Steps for constructing new highway project 

I and II

194      Which steps is cover for constructing new highway project 


195      The main purpose of traffic survey are      

    All of the above 

196      The purpose of caring out traffic volume count are 

 All of the above

197      Proportion of vehicles in traffic stream is      

All of the above

198      In network analysis shortest route provides  

All of the above

199      In Network analysis GIS method can also be used for           

route determination

200      Traditional GIS data is based on mapping    

  x and y-value




1          EIA standards for       

 Environmental Impact Assessment

2          IT offers mapping of   

both a & b

3          Consists of a wireless network to receive and forward the data to the data center                    

Fixed base station   

4          _______  is a secure cloud-based information service that brings together asset condition and other survey data from across the network in real-time.    

Network Intelligence Portal  

5          ____ mapping assists the navigation content providers using GIS, GPS, and Remote sensing technologies instead of traditional method of manual assimilation of data for generation  


6          GIS can be used to map locations. GIS allows the creation of maps through automated mapping, data capture, and surveying analysis tools    

Mapping locations 

7          criteria and take action, or to see the relationships between places. This gives an additional levelof information beyond simply mapping the locations of features(2)    

Mapping quantities 

8          "While you can see concentrations by simply mapping the locations of features, in areas,with many features it may be difficult to see which areas have a higher concentration than others.


Mapping densities 

9          GIS can be used to find out what's occurring within a set distance of a feature.     

Mapping densities 

10        GIS can be used to map the change in an area to anticipate future conditions, decide on a course of action, or to evaluate the results of an action or policy.(2)      

Mapping and monitoring change

11        GIS services for Natural Resource Management to the following sectors   

 All the above

12        Which is not a GIS services for Natural Resource Management to the following sectors    


13        The services offered by a part of its GIS for Natural Resource Management are     

All the above

14        Which is not a services offered by a part of its GIS for Natural Resource Management are 


15        GIS for Environmental Management experience in the following fields     

  All the above

16        Which is not a GIS for Environmental Management experience in the following fields    


17        _____ is an important policy initiative to conserve natural resources and environment    


18        _______ is the process of ranking different parts of an area according to the degrees of actual or potential hazard from landslides.            

Landslide hazard zonation  

19        GIS helps to document the need for federal disaster relief funds, when appropriate and can be utilized by insurance agencies to assist in assessing monetary value of property loss.(2)           

Estimation of flood damage  

20        ________ provides resource information about an area      

Soil Mapping  

21        ______  contribute to a healthy environment and retain water during dry periods, thus keeping the water table high and relatively stable           


22        Water availability for irrigation purposes for any area is vital for crop production in that region.  

Irrigation management   

23        _______ to human life and environment include hot avalanches, hot particles gas,clouds, lava flows and flooding.      

 Volcanic Hazard

24        The GIS for mining and geology GIS services at IT can assist the industry by providing       

All the above

25        Which is not a GIS for mining and geology GIS services at IT can assist the industry by providing 

 Volcanic Hazard

26        operational and research teams have been using GIS for oil and gas for the following.     

 All the above

27        Which is not an operational and research teams have been using GIS for oil and gas for the following.    

Soil Mapping

28        _______ has been playing an increasingly important role in crop production throughout the world by helping farmers in increasing production(2)  


29        _______ mapping services such as Forestry GIS are often required by government and commercial agencies to perform value assessments for certification, funding, policy recommendations and regulatory compliances      


30        The company uses different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions for (2)         

All the above

31        _______ its major contribution is to give us with an organized set of data which can help professionals to combat complex scenarios relating to the selection of site, environmental impact, study of ecosystem, managing risk regarding the use of natural resources (2)  


32        Precise and accurate data is the core driving factor of any successful project         

Data Collection  

33        ____  is one of the major and most influential phases of infrastructure life cycle    


34        ____ is the stage when all layout plans and paper work design come into existence in the real World    


35        ____ are controlled by modeling of site data and compared by the baselines prepared in planning phase          


36        GIS helps in generating soil maps and geology maps of the area that needs to be investigated.    

Soil and foundation 

37        For designing, modelling, scheduling work flow and for maintenance of building, GIS geo-databases can be created which will be immensely useful and saves lot of time.(2)  

 Structural engineering  

38        Along with Infrastructure management, GIS can be employed to calculate the costs; do site suitability analysis which will save lot of time (2)        

Construction management

39        ______ is boosted with the help of GIS. Once the database is created (It might take lot of time and needs constant up gradation too) and network analysis is performed, it becomes immensely useful to predict the traffic conditions.     

Traffic Engineering  


40        _____  is a primary concern for all vehicle owners. Owners as well as researchers are always on the lookout for new and improved security systems for their vehicles.(2)            

Vehicle Tracking 


41        AVL standards for      

 Automatic Vehicle Location  

42        GPS Standards for      

Global Positioning System 

43        is the technology used to determine the location of a vehicle using different methods like GPS and other radio navigation systems operating through satellites and ground based stations.(2) 

 Vehicle Tracking System  

44        ____ consists of modern hardware and software components enabling one to track their vehicle online or offline.        


45        ______  is the hardware component attached to the vehicle having either a GPS/GSM modem.   

Vehicle unit  

46        Consists of a wireless network to receive and forward the data to the data center 

Fixed base station

47        The position information or the coordinates of each visiting points are stored in a database, which later can be viewed in a display screen using digital maps.(2) 

Database and Software  

48        GIS helps organizations to locate and store information about their assets. Operations and maintenance staff can also deploy their enterprise and mobile workforce.(2) 

Assets Management 

49        Geographic Information Systems are used in the distribution of products, production rate, location of shops and their selling rate. These can also be monitored by using a GIS system.(2)     

    Dairy Industry


50        ____ can get all the information they need on a click, measuring distance, finding hotels, restaurants and even navigate to their respective links(2)       






 From Electron posts


Q1. GIS stands for

  1. Geographic Information System
  2. Generic Information System
  3. Geological Information System
  4. Geographic Information Sharing

Answer : 1

Q2. GIS deals with which kind of data

  1. Numeric data
  2. Binary data
  3. Spatial data
  4. Complex data

Answer : 3

Q3. Which of the following statements is true about the capabilities of GIS

  1. Data capture and preparation
  2. Data management, including storage and maintenance
  3. Data manipulation and analysis
  4. Data presentation
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q4. By ‘spatial data’ we mean data that has

  1. Complex values
  2. Positional values
  3. Graphic values
  4. Decimal values

Answer : 2

Q5. What is ‘Metadata’ ?

  1. It is ‘ data about data’
  2. It is ‘meteorological data’
  3. It is ‘oceanic data’
  4. It is ‘contour data’

Answer : 1

Q6. Key components of ‘spatial data’ quality include

  1. Positional accuracy
  2. Temporal accuracy
  3. Lineage and completeness
  4. Logical consistency
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q7. ‘Spatial databases’ are also known as

  1. Geodatabases
  2. Monodatabases
  3. Concurrent databases
  4. None of the above

Answer : 1

Q8. Successful spatial analysis needs

  1. Appropriate software
  2. Appropriate hardware
  3. Competent user
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Geographic Information & Spatial Data Types

Q9. Which of the following is related to GIS

  1. Euclidean space
  2. Ramanujan space
  3. Pythagorian space
  4. None of the above

Answer : 1

Q10. A (geographic) field is a geographic phenomena for which, for every point in the study area

  1. A value can be determined
  2. A value cannot be determined
  3. A value is not relevant
  4. A value is missing

Answer : 1

Q11. The following are the examples of ‘geographic fields’

  1. Air temperature
  2. Barometric pressure
  3. Elevation
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q12.Which of the following statements are true?

  1. Natural phenomena are usually fields
  2. Man-made phenomena are usually objects
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q13. Fields can be

  1. Discrete only
  2. Continuous only
  3. Discrete or continuous
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q14. Examples of ‘continuous fields’ are

  1. Air temperature
  2. Barometric pressure
  3. Soil salinity
  4. Elevation
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q15.  Which of the following is true about ‘Discrete fields’

  1. Discrete fields divide the study space in mutually exclusive, bounded parts, with all locations in one part having the same field value
  2. ‘Land classification’ is an example of discrete fields
  3. Discrete fields make use of ‘bounded’ features
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q16. Which of the following is true about ‘Nominal Data Values’

  1. They are values that provide a name or identifier so that we can discriminate between different values
  2. True computations cannot be done with these values
  3. When the values assigned are sorted according to some set of non-overlapping categories, they are called ‘categorical data’
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q17. Which of the following is true about ‘Ordinal Data Values’

  1. They are date values that can be put in some natural sequence but that do not allow any other type of computation
  2. An example of Ordinal data value is classifying household income as ‘low’, ‘average’ or ‘high’
  3. None of the above
  4. Bothe ‘1’ & ‘2’

Answer : 4

Q18. Which of the following is true about ‘Internal Data Values’

  1. They are quantities, in that they allow simple forms of computation like addition & subtraction
  2. They do not support multiplication or division
  3. Centigrade temperatures are internal data values
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q19. Which of the following is true about ‘ Ratio Data Values’

  1. They allow most, if not all, forms of arithmetic computation
  2. Multiplication & division of values are possible
  3. They have a natural zero value
  4. Continuous fields can have ratio data values
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q20. Which of the following is true

  1. Nominal & categorical data values are referred to as ‘qualitative data’
  2. Internal & Ratio data is known as ‘quantitative data’
  3. Ordinal data refers to a ranking scheme or some kind of hierarchical phenomena
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q21. Interpolation is made possible by a principle called

  1. Spatial Autocorrelation
  2. Spatial auto-correction
  3. Thematic Autocorrelation
  4. Thematic auto-correction

Answer : 1

Q22. The fundamental principle which refers to the fact that locations that are closer together are more likely to have similar values than locations that are far apart, is commonly referred to as

  1. Tobler’s first low of Geography
  2. Kepler’s first law of Geography
  3. Anthony’s first law of Geography
  4. Thompson’s first law of Geography

Answer: 1

Q23. A ……………….. is a set of regularity spaced (and contiguous) cells with associated (field) values. The associated values represent call values, not point values. This means that the value for a cell is assumed to valid for all locations within the cell

  1. Crystal
  2. Raster
  3. Segment
  4. Polygon

Answer : 2

Q24. Which of the following is true

  1. Tessellations partition the study space into cells & assign a value to each cell
  2. A raster is a regular tessellation with square cells (by far the most commonly used)
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q25.  TIN stands for

  1. Traffic Internet Network
  2. Triangulated Irregular Network
  3. Temporal Interest Network
  4. Temperature Interface Node

Answer : 2

Q26. Which of the following is true about ‘Delaunay Triangulation’

  1. The triangles are as equilateral s they can be
  2. For each triangle, the circumcircle through its anchor points does not contain any other anchor point
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q27. The ‘boundary model’ is sometimes also called

  1. Topological data model
  2. Temporal data model
  3. Topological discrete model
  4. Temporal discrete model

Answer : 1

Q28. Which of the following relationships is correct

  1. Point : (0-Simplex)
  2. Line segment : (1-simplex)
  3. Triangle : (2-simplex)
  4. Tetrahedron : (3-simplex)
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q29. Which of the following belong to the eight spatial relationships?

  1. Disjoint, meets, equals
  2. Inside, covered by
  3. Contains, covers, overlaps
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q30. Which of the following statements are true about the ‘temporal dimension’

  1. Time can be measured along a ‘discrete’ or ‘continuous’ scale.
  2. Valid time (or world time) is the time when an event really happened, or a string of events took place.
  3. Time can be considered to be ‘linear’ extending from past to the present (‘now’), & into the future
  4. When measuring time, we speak of granularity as the precision of a time value in a GIS or database.
  5. Time can be represented as ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’
  6. All of the above

Answer : 6

Q31. Which of the following is true?

  1. ‘Fields’ are geographic phenomena that occur everywhere in the study area
  2. ‘Objects’ are geographic phenomena that occur ‘sparsely’ over the study area
  3. Fields can be continuous or discrete
  4. Objects can be classified based on location, shape, size & orientation
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Data Management & Processing Systems

Q32. Which of the following are full-fledged GIS packages

  1. ILWIS
  2. GeoMedia
  3. ArcGIS
  4. Corp
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q33. A GIS package cannot be called full-fledged if the following capabilities are missing

  1. Data capture and preparation
  2. Data storage
  3. Data analysis
  4. Presentation of spatial data
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q34. SDI stands for

  1. Spatial Data Interface
  2. Spatial Data Infrastructure
  3. Spatial Data Intention
  4. Spatial Data International

Answer : 2

Q35. DBMS stands for

  1. Database Management System
  2. Database Monitoring System
  3. Database Manufacturing System
  4. Database Mixing Station

Answer : 1

Q36. What are the various reasons for which DBMS is used

  1. A DBMS supports the storage and manipulation of very large data sets
  2. A DBMS can be instructed to guard over data correctness
  3. A DBMS supports the concurrent use of the same data set by many users
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q37. Which of the following is true about DBMS

  1. A DBMS provides a high-level, ‘declaration query language’
  2. A DBMS supports the use of a ‘data model’
  3. A DBMS includes ‘data backup’ and ‘recovery’ functions to ensure data availability at all times
  4. A DBMS allows the control of ‘data redundancy’
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q38. A ‘data model’ is a language that allows the definition of

  1. The ‘structures’ that will be used to store the base data
  2. The ‘integrity constraints’ that the stored data has to obey at all moments in time
  3. The ‘computer programs’ used to manipulate the data
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q39. Which of the following statements is true

  1. A table or relation is itself a collection of ‘tuples’ (or records)
  2. Each table is a collection of tuples that are similarly shaped
  3. An ‘attribute’ is a named field of a tuple, with which each tuple associates a value, the tuple’s ‘attribute value’
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q40. Which of the following statements is true in connection with a ‘tuple’

  1. The set of tuples in a relation at some point in time is called the ‘relational instance’ at that moment
  2. This tuple set is always finite
  3. It is possible to count how many tuples are there
  4. Only ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true
  5. ‘1’ , ‘2’ & ‘3’ are true

Answer : 5











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